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Crickets chirped next to me as I bent over a homeless man's corpse. My heavy breathing was altered by my light gas mask, making my voice unrecognizable. "You messed with the wrong bitch," I growled.

My tight, revealing outfit was stained in fresh blood. The same blood that was pooled around me. Sirens could be heard in the distance and I shook my head, putting my switch blade away. "Too late," I muttered. I stood still in the alleyway, waiting for the cops to arrive. A good chase is always fun.

The sirens were ear-piercing, causing a grin to cover my covered face. The cars stopped in front of the alley, their lights lighting up the surroundings. The officers piled out of their cars and pointed their guns at me. "Why hello, officers," I greeted. "Put your hands up!" One man yelled. "Sure thing," I taunted, putting my hands up. An officer came over and patted me down to look for any weapons. I smirked and slipped my switchblade out of my sleeve. I quickly stabbed the officer in the stomach and watched as he fell to the ground. "Oops," I said blankly. "Drop the weapon!"

"How about, no," I retorted. I then turned around and jumped onto a nearby ladder, climbing it onto the roof of a building. "Stop them!" One officer yelled, followed by guns going off. Before I could jump off of the building, a bullet hit my arm. "Fuck!" I yelped, wincing. I shook off the pain and continued to run. I ran until my legs begged for me to stop.

I was a block away from home and the cops were catching up to me. "Shit," I whispered as I heard the sirens gradually get closer. I didn't have much time. I ran behind the nearest house and climbed up the side and into the window. I looked around the room I was in and saw that whoever was in the bed was still awake. I cursed quietly as I knocked something over and the person quickly sat up. I froze and turned my head, seeing that the person was Craig. "Shit," I muttered.

"Who the hell are you?" He questioned, not showing any emotion. I didn't answer and he got up to turn on the light. "Y/n, what the hell are you doing here?" He asked, looking down at me. A look of surprise crossed my face and I took my mask off. I brushed the hair out of my face. "You figured it out? Maybe not everyone in this town is stupid," I commented.

"It really wasn't that hard to figure out. This is the first time something like this has happened and you just moved here," Craig said. My vision suddenly got fuzzy and my brain didn't seem stable.

"Look, please don't tell anyone about me. I-I'll do a-any-" I was cut off as I fell. I was about to hit the ground, but Craig caught me just in time. "Your arm," Craig pointed out, watching as it bled. "No shit! Do something!" I exclaimed. Craig sighed and sat me down on his bed. He exited his room and came back a little later with bandages and hydrogen peroxide. "What did you even do?" He questioned, getting the stuff ready. I sighed and watched his face carefully, trying to find an emotion of some sort. None showed. "You really wanna know?" I asked. He glanced up and nodded. He poured the hydrogen peroxide on my wound and I winced, grabbing his bicep and squeezing it. It was unsurprisingly muscular and I couldn't really find fat on it. "W-well, I killed a homeless man. He came at me first, though. I swear," I said. Craig shook his head and wrapped my arm in some bandages. "I knew there was something off about you. That comment you made today set me off," he said. I released his arm and looked down. "Yeah, sorry about that. I also am kind of psycho, and you can kinda guess what happens next," I explained, chuckling nervously. "I could also have PTSD, but I haven't been diagnosed with that yet."

"PTSD? Why would you have that?" He asked, getting up and putting the items on his dresser. I glanced up at him and saw that he was staring at me intently. I gulped and shook my head. "Do I have to tell you?" I questioned nervously. "No, you don't. But just know, you can trust me," he said. I took in a deep breath and watched as Craig sat down next to me on his bed. "Fine. I'll tell you."

I explained everything that happened to me when I was younger. As soon as I was done, tears flooded down my face. "Holy shit," Craig muttered. I put my head in my hands and sobbed quietly. I could feel Craig awkwardly pull me into a side hug. He rubbed my back slowly and I leaned into his touch. "I-i've been a murderous bitch ever since," I whispered. "As sick as this sounds, that's totally understandable," Craig responded. I wiped my tears and looked up at Craig. "Thank you, Craig..."

"It's no problem," he said. I yawned and laid my head on Craig's shoulder. "Tired?" He questioned. I nodded and felt my eyes droop. "Here, I'll give you something to change in to," he offered. I leaned off of him and watched him walk to his dresser. He pulled out a blue shirt and black sweatpants. He handed them to me. "The bathroom is right across the hall. Try not to go into the room next to it, that's my sister's room," he told me. I nodded and followed his directions. I quickly got dressed and walked back to his room. I put my other clothes next to my mask and climbed into the bed that Craig had offered me. He said he'd sleep on the floor.

"Craig?" I asked. "Huh?" He questioned. I looked at the cage sitting on his desk. "I never imagined you to be the Guinea Pig type," I teased, smirking. Craig sighed. "Go to sleep."

Somebody to Love 《Craig x Reader》Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum