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"Bye Tricia."

The red headed girl waved at us and tried to fake a smile, but I saw right through it. Before I could say something, she darted off. Craig was about to drive off, but I stopped him. "Hold on, wait a second," I ordered. "Why?" He questioned. I didn't answer him and followed his sister with my eyes.

I watched as a group of, what seemed like 8th graders came up to her and started to laugh at her and pull her braids. I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the car door. "Y/n, where the hell are you going?" Craig questioned. I ignored him and walked towards Tricia and the 8th graders. "L-leave me alone!" I heard Tricia exclaim sadly.

"Hey! You better back the fuck up before you get smacked the fuck up!" I yelled as I was closer to them. Their heads all whipped towards me. "Who the hell are you?" One asked. "I'm about to be your worst fucking nightmare," I growled, stepping in front of Tricia. Most of the kids were taller than me, but that didn't scare me. "What are you gonna do, shorty?" The tallest boy asked. A tug on my sleeve prevented me from going psycho on these boys. "Y/n, you can leave them alone now," Tricia whispered.

"Y/n, what the fuck are you doing?!" Craig's voice yelled. "Oh, you need your boyfriend to come and save you?" One 8th grader taunted. "They're not dating. Leave them alone!" Tricia yelled, stepping next to me. One boy grabbed her braid and yanked on it, taunting her. Craig stopped where he was and I could tell that he was fuming.

"If you touch another hair on my sister's head, I won't hesitate to shred you to pieces," Craig growled. "Oh yeah? Prove it," one taunted. They pulled Tricia's braid again and Craig went to tackle him. Tricia gasped and stepped behind me again. Craig punched the boy several times, leaving bruises all over his face. Another boy tried to jump on Craig's back, but I grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him to the ground, stepping lightly on his head. His head was pushed into the dirt and I stayed put until Craig had gotten all of his anger out of him.

Craig let the boy go and stood up, glaring at the kid. "You better leave my sister alone or next time will be fucking worse," he threatened. The kid nodded and scrambled off. I got off of the other boy and let him run off as well. Tricia ran up to Craig and hugged his stomach tightly. "Thank you, Craig!" She exclaimed. Craig just patted her head. "Don't get into trouble next time. Okay?" He questioned. I smiled and rolled my eyes, walking back to Craig's car.

I watched from the car as they had their cute Brother-Sister moment. Soon after, Craig walked back towards the car and got in. I opened my mouth to say something, but stopped as I noticed something on Craig's face. "Holy shit, your eye," I pointed out. "Huh?" Craig furrowed his eyebrows as I grabbed his face and turned it towards me. He had a black eye that was already very swollen. He also had a little bit of a busted lip. "How hard did that kid hit you?" I questioned, pressing lightly near Craig's eye. He winced and cleared his throat. "I didn't even know he hit me," he replied. I frowned slightly and shook my head.


I stood in front of Craig as he sat down, cleaning the dried blood from his face. "Ow!" He hissed, tensing up. "Sorry!" I quickly apologized. It got silent as I concentrated on cleaning up his wounds. Students started to flood into the classroom and I could feel their confused looks stay on us.

"Holy shit, Craig. What happened to your face?" Token questioned, walking up to us with Clyde and Tweek. I finished cleaning his face up and leaned back, stepping away from Craig. Before either of us could answer, Mr. Mackey stepped into the classroom with an angry look on his face. "Y/n, Craig, could you come here a second, Mkay?" He asked. Craig rolled his eyes and stood up and I followed him. Mr. Mackey gave us a hard glare and crossed his arms.

"I have just gotten a call saying that you two got in a fight with an eighth grader named Matthew Davis, Mkay," he said. Craig glared up at Mr. Mackey and I just stared at him blankly. "So what if we did get in a fight?" I questioned blankly. Mr. Mackey turned to look at me. "Y/n, you got in a fight with eighth graders, M'kay, they're younger than you. What reason could you have had for fighting them, M'kay?" He asked. I opened my mouth to retort, but Craig kicked me lightly. I turned to glare at him, but he just shook his head. I crossed my arms and glared at the floor while Craig talked to Mr. Mackey.

"I've called your guardians to pick you up, M'kay?" Mr, Mackey stated. My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. "What?!"

"Y/n..." A stern voice muttered. "Fuck," I whispered, turning around. Frank stood there, his arms crossed and an angry look plastered on his face. I bit my lip and looked down. "Thank you, Mr. Mackey. We will be going home now," Frank told the older man. "But Frankie-!" Frank glared at me I shut my mouth, biting my lip.

I glanced back and saw the whole class was watching us carefully. My cheeks heated up and I looked down again. "Let's go. Y/n," Frank muttered, walking out of the classroom. I shamefully followed him, looking back at Craig. He mouthed a 'sorry' to me and I shook my head, smiling slightly at him. I then turned back and continued to follow my brother out the school, silently wishing for death.

Somebody to Love 《Craig x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now