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"Y/n, you're drawing too much attention to yourself!"

Frank paced around, holding the bridge of his nose. I watched him with my eyes as I sat on the arm of our couch. "Frank, I'm sorry! I just couldn't watch Craig's sister be bullied like that!" I retorted. "Craig, huh? I suppose he's the one who gave you those clothes as well, right?" Frank said, letting go of his face and glaring at me. My eyes widened for a second as I looked down at the clothes I was wearing.

A glare then hardened on my face as I looked up at Frank. "So what if these are his clothes? You can't control me anymore, Frank!" I yelled, standing up. He gave me a stern look and crossed his arms. "I'm your guardian, Y/n! Your legal guardian!" Frank argued back. "I don't give a fuck! I'm not a baby anymore, Frank! I'm in high school, for god's sake! You can't just expect me to not get into trouble!" I yelled.

He was quiet for a second and I watched as his face softened up. "You're right. I can't keep you from doing things like that. But, I can try to tell you how I feel about it. Y/n, I don't want you getting hurt. You're all I have and-"

I scowled. "So, this is about you now, huh?! I don't get it, you're trying to tell me how much you care for me, and then change points if view?!" I yelled. I was over-reacting, I knew it. I just couldn't help it. "Y/n-"

"No, fuck off!" I yelled. I turned around and ran to the door, throwing it open and running down the unfamiliar streets.

A couple of minutes later, I found myself lost in the small town. "How the fuck did I get lost?" I growled, trying to find a familiar store. I turned around and looked up at the bank. It was then I realized how cold it actually was. I sighed and rubbed my arms, trying to keep myself warm. Someone cleared their throat a couple of feet behind me and I glanced back, seeing the man with black glasses again. "Shit," I muttered.

The man glared at me for a minute before he started to walk towards me. My eyes widened and I started to walk away quickly. I tried to think of a place to hide from him, and the school was the first place that came into mind. I started to run slightly. It was still during school hours so the agency wouldn't be able to do anything to me.

The school came into view and I quickened my pace. I noticed the man had stopped chasing me, but I didn't stop. If I did, he would have followed me again.

I tried to open the main door to the school, but it was locked. I groaned and went to the side of the school, seeing one of the bathroom windows was open. The only thing about it though, was that it was higher than I can reach. Luckily, there was a tree right next to it. I jogged up to the tree and climbed it slowly, being careful not to hurt my arm again. Once I was the same height as the window, I grabbed onto the window sill. Pushing myself into the bathroom, I fell to the ground. Wincing in pain as I hit the tile, I noticed my arm started to feel wet. "Shit," I hissed, looking down at my bloody arm.

I slowly stood up and walked out of the bathroom. It seemed to be lunch time, since there was no one in the hallways and there was a lot of noise coming from the cafeteria. I poked my head out from the doorway of the cafeteria, trying to find Craig. I found him and sighed once I saw that his back was turned towards me. I waved my hand around, hoping someone would notice me and point me out to Craig.

"Well, well, if it isn't South Park High's new slut."

I put my arm down and glanced behind me, seeing the fat kid again. Was his name Cartman, or something?

"What do you want?" I questioned, turning around to face the boy. He smirked at me. "I want you to fight me," he stated. I narrowed my eyes at him. "What?" I questioned. "You heard me." He can't be serious right now. "Dude, I don't think now is the best time-"

"Shut up and fight me!" He hissed. I crossed my arms and shook my head. Before I could say something, I was slapped across the face. A couple of gasps were heard as I glared at the ground. I lifted my head up and glared at him. "Fight, fight, fight!" People chanted. A crowd started to form around us.

"What are you gonna do, whore?" He teased. I scowled at him and swung my arm, successfully hitting him with a right hook to the jaw. "You bitch!"

"You told me to fight you." It was my turn to smirk now. "I didn't actually think you were gonna do it!" He yelled. "Then you have a lot to learn, fatass," I told him. He glared at me and tried to punch me again, but I grabbed his wrist and twisted it. People cheered. "Go new girl!"

Cartman grunted and I let his arm go. He swung at me again but I kicked him backwards. "Ahaha, you're her bitch Cartman!" A familiar voice yelled. "Shut up, Clyde!" Cartman screamed. I chuckled and grabbed his wrist again as he punched me. I twisted his wrist again but this time I turned his body with it. I leaned down to whisper into his ear. "Next time, don't threaten me," I whispered. I let him go and watched as he glared at me before walking off.

"Y/n, what the hell was that?"

I turned around and saw Craig. "I was just looking for you!" I told him. "Why are you even here? I thought your brother took you home?"

"I need your help. Are you willing to leave school?" I asked him. He furrowed his eyebrows at me. "I'm always willing to leave this shithole."

Somebody to Love 《Craig x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now