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I grabbed Craig's hand and dragged him out of the school. "Why did you even come back here?" The tall boy asked me. "Frank and I got into a fight so I left the house," I told him. "But why would you come to the school?" I glanced over at him and saw a look of confusion on his face.

"I was being followed," I whispered, looking around. I dragged Craig over to Stark's Pond and stopped when we were behind a couple of trees. "You were being followed?" He questioned, yanking his hand out of my grip. I nodded and he blinked a couple of times, seemingly trying to figure everything out.

"Back where I used to live, I was apart of this organization. It was kind of like the mafia, I guess. But  once they figured out I moved here, the boss got mad and sent people after me," I explained. Craig went silent for a little bit, but I noticed he was glaring at the ground.

"So you brought me here to put me in danger?" He muttered, glaring down at me. "What? No, no, no! That isn't it!" I was gonna say more but I could hear heavy footsteps and metal clinking together. "Uh-huh, then why the hell are you dragging me into this?" Craig exclaimed. I tried to shush him but he started to yell at me. I caught a glimpse of black and white and I panicked a little. I looked around, trying to find a way to quiet him, when a lightbulb went off.

I stood on my toes and kissed him on the lips, effectively shutting him up. I glanced to the side and saw the man in the black suit come fully into view. I turned us around so Craig was fully covering me from the view of the man. Craig grabbed my waist, seemingly getting carried away.

Just to mess with him, I added my tongue into the kiss. To my surprise, he did too. I felt goosebumps cover me as my body started to tingle a little.

Once I was sure the man was gone, I backed up, laughing as a string of saliva connected us. Craig stared at me strangely, his arms still wrapped around me. "Craig..?" I questioned, trying to get away from him. "I'm gay," he muttered to himself. "Right?"

He pulled his arms away from me and stared at the ground. I confused the poor guy. "You need to to home," he told me. I bit my lip and nodded, feeling bad for him. "Can you drive me?" I asked softly. He nodded and pulled his keys out of his pocket. "Let's go."

I followed him to his car, which wasn't too far away from Stark's Pond. He unlocked it and I opened the passenger door, sliding in. The leather seats of the car were cold, making me shiver. He started the engine and turned on the radio. "I have to go pick up Tricia," he told me quietly. I nodded and looked out the window.

The silence hurt as we drove past houses. "Hey, my house is actually right here, if you want to drop me off now,"I piped up. Craig was silent but he pulled into the driveway. I quietly thanked him and unbuckled my seatbelt, getting out and shutting the door quietly. I watched Craig pull away and I waved at him, watching him pay no mind to me.

That kind of hurt. I've only been here for a couple of days but Craig is the only person I can trust at the moment. I feel bad for making him question things. I haven't known him for very long but this hurts.

I shook my head, getting rid of the thoughts. I walked around the back of my house and found my window, which was slightly open. I climbed up the side of the house and slid open my window, sliding inside. I flopped down on my bed, the shirt I was wearing slid up a little bit. It smelled like Pine and firewood. That must be what Craig smells like.

I stared at the ceiling and sighed. Second day of school and I've already fucked up.

My phone started to buzz in my pocket and I answered it without looking at the Caller I.D. "Hello?"

"Y/n, I totally saw what just happened at the pond!" The voice was female. It sounded like Wendy. "What are you talking about?" I asked. "You and Craig?!" She exclaimed. I sighed and face palmed. "That wasn't what it looked like. And how the hell did you get my number?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. "That totally was what it seemed like!" She squealed, ignoring my question. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, yeah. My phone is about to die, I'll talk to you later." I then hung up without giving her a chance to reply. I rolled my eyes and stared at the ceiling once again.

Maybe I shouldn't bring Craig into this. I shouldn't put his life in danger to save myself. Maybe I should just give up.

Tears flooded my eyes and I couldn't stop them from rolling down my cheeks.

Would that be considered suicide? It doesn't matter.

I should just stay as far away from everyone as possible. I don't want to hurt anyone here. I can't keep moving places forever.

Maybe if I killed myself I wouldn't put anyone else in danger.

Ah, I'd rather not think about that.

Somebody to Love 《Craig x Reader》Where stories live. Discover now