22- •A new irritation•

Start from the beginning

"No need to be afraid, I'm here to help you,"

A voice rings in my head and I shake vigorously to remove it. Giving me a headache almost of doing so.

"Easy, that won't help your injuries,"

The same voice speaks again, only in the real world now... it's sounds like a guy's voice- his voice calm and alluring, his sentences sound like he's going to continue speaking every time. It's like he'd never stop saying stuff, it goes so smoothly as if there's no end to his words. Alas he speaks again,

"My apologies, about my friends out there,"

I suddenly see movement in front of me and I focus my eyes in that spot, I stop to see a man.

Halting my breath and taking in his appearance, pale skin with purple tears streaks reaching form his eyes down to the bottom of his face, wearing a black and white striped tux, his hair pitch black and eyes exactly like Gold's- his white irises slightly more prominent and wide though. He wears black jeans that had traces of white stripes on them, and last of all- black and white sneakers.

Huh, the guy couldn't decide if he liked either black of white obviously. Maybe he couldn't pick if he wanted to be emo/goth or not?

I stare wide eyed at him, finally releasing the breath I had held in for the long, to the point were my lungs were practically pleading for me to take another breath.

"I know, I get that alot- not the brightest set colours I am, aren't I?,"

He smiles widely at me and holds his hands behind himself. I give him a nod and he lets out a sigh,

"If you don't mind me asking, what made them so angry out there??,"

He leans slightly forwards and I force myself to relax and drop my legs down so that they crossed once again.

"They wanted to stuff me in a suit, it's all very hard to remember but I had pissed them off some way or another"  i emit a shrug and the man seems to approve of my answer,

"Ah, I see- Well don't strain yourself trying to remember, it'll come back to you eventually; but for as right now, I must introduce myself formally.. ahem, my name is The Puppet- but I give you consent to call me by just 'Puppet',"

I nod a smile faintly to the mime rip-off and prepare to introduce myself as he stares at me expectedly,

"Nice to meet you, my name is [Name]..."  it felt so weird so say my name aloud, especially since I haven't heard it for awhile.

"A beautiful name, for a beautiful lady~,"

I almost choke on my own saliva and raise my eyebrows at him, giving him an 'are you serious?' Look. He just puts his hands up in mock surrender, I sigh relaxing once more.

"There is something I must let you know, there's two other people here that are similar to me. They're not me so don't get confused, they would most definitely kill you instead of having a nice chat-... there is this woman who is known as 'Marinette' who is extremely dangerous so I advise keeping distance as much as possible,"

I listen very carefully to every word he spoke, other people like Puppet?

"Now the other one is, 'Security Puppet' but he likes to go by just 'Security', he gets pretty mad if you don't respect his wishes. These two people however, which you would consider to be 'robots' are not human, they're human in my eyes and the rest of us here only because we don't know any different, they're just normal to us..,"

I nod after his information that provided to answer my own questions.

"There's another problem though, the Toys,"

Is shudder at his words and his smile fades to a serious expression. The Toys? On second thought leave me in this cellar where I can NOT get killed.

"On another note, I see you've met BB?,"

He raises an eyebrow at me. Who's BB? Stuff it, I'll ask him!

"Uh, who's BB??" I cross my arms unsure if I really want to know who 'BB' is.

"Why that little rascal, the boy who never ends his laughter and steals the night guards batteries,"

Puppet smiles at me as if I understood who he was talking about. Steals batteries? Laughs??... I still can't figure it out!!

"Why would he need to take batteries??" I decide to ask.

"Because then, the night guard can't use their flashlight- distracts and annoys the guard with his laughter and welcoming's, hence leading to a mental breakdown and they go bonkers. They make the wrong move or break the rules and then they have to to be removed by one of us,"

"Removed?!" I raise my voice in utter shock, the man in front of me seemed unfazed entirely.

"Trust me, it's a gift we give them,"

I stare at him expectedly to continue on, but instead he never did. I blink once and he's now suddenly nowhere to be seen, he must have abilities too...

I puff out a few breaths just so I can try to calm myself down. Laying back hesitatingly onto the bed and starring  at nothing on the ceiling.


•Authors notes•

Heyyy, thanks for reading! I've been getting more inspiration lately to write, so I've decided to release another part to this book XD 💕

I know this one was boring but at least I got, meeting that annoying Ballon Boi out if the way! I kept imagining his stupid laughs/voices in my head while writing this, so it was literal torture 😂😭

Key-                       ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Torch- Flashlight

( I don't know why, but we call it a 'torch' over here :/  )

Thanks <33

{MY NIGHTMARE} 🎩Human Golden Freddy x Reader🎩 [[COMPLETED]]Where stories live. Discover now