Lost Souls - Chapter 5

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<P>A/N Okay so here we are again :) This time i am dedicating this chapter to my best friend Georgia. She is in love with my character Mimir and this chapter gives you a little sneeky peak into his mind. This one's for you Georgia :)  </P>



<P>Chapter 5 - souls  </P>

<P>~ Pandora's POV ~  </P>

<P>Me and Harry were snuggled up on the sofa under a blanket in the little cottage. It had started to get dark outside, Otieno had made us call home to say we were out for the night. Typical Dad had been out at work so again I had to leave a message.  </P>

<P>"So come on Pan, what the heck happened when you ditched me?" Harry asked for what seemed like the millionth time.  </P>

<P>"Ohhh nothing big Harry, we just talked--"  </P>

<P>"Made out ..." she said with a cheeky grin, I glared back.  </P>

<P>"Would it surprise you if I said no?"  </P>

<P>"Yes so do not leave any details out!!"  </P>

<P>"We didn't, Jayden barged in before we could" that shut her up, she knew what had happened before she and Jayden had even met but she still felt guilty.  </P>

<P>"You know Jay feels really bad now, how's the blood loss?"  </P>

<P>"Eh, luckily red blood cells aren't rare. What about you?"  </P>

<P>"Oh I'd have it done anytime!! Seriously good stuff that is." I looked at her funny, she grinned and poked my side "Don't lie Panny-kins, it had to have felt good."  </P>

<P>"Well it was a sort of desperate situation Harry-kins, I didn't really take notice of the sexual feeling that came with it"  </P>

<P>"Ah ha!! Gotcha!"  </P>

<P>"Oh husshhhh, like I said, didn't take notice since he was dying in front of me." she started laughing and tickling me, I started screaming a tried to tickle her back. In the end we were on the floor trying to catch our breath.  </P>

<P>As we settled back down on the sofa I thought about what had actually happened ...  </P>

<P># Flashback #  </P>

<P>"Mimir he's dying!! He won't take enough!" I nearly shouted, I had Otieno's head on my lap with my slit wrist pressed against his mouth, forcing blood into his system.  </P>

<P>"Calm down my child, he's a stubborn person and has always hated taking blood from you. He's conscious, talk to him ... Make him want to drink from you." I looked down at his face, he defiantly didn't look conscious.  </P>

<P>"Otineo ... If you can hear me you better listen, you need to drink from me. To keep yourself alive, please ... I need you!"  </P>

<P>Mimir's image was fading, now I felt scared, "Wait!! Mimir he still isn't drinking!"  </P>

<P>"Look again Pandora, I'll be back soon I promise" and he was gone. I looked back down to see Otieno's eyes open and focused on me, he looked as scared as I felt. "Please Otieno, I meant it when said I needed you!"  </P>

<P>"I don't want to hurt you." he mumbled against my wrist.  </P>

<P>"Your not going hurt me! You need this to stay with me!" he closed his eyes again and sighed, I could feel the tension rolling off him. After a minute he licked the wound on my wrist, I bit my lip to hold the moan that wanted to escape. I felt the blood leave my body, the way his lips were pressed against my skin sent electric shocks around my body. I leant my forehead against his while he drank.  </P>

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