and now... He had them. 

It felt like days had passed since she had arrived at the creepy cell, she was glad she wasn't alone in the cell though she had Hinata who was extremely kind despite her hardships, which made Sakura wonder how she had survived for so long alone, turns out Hinata had been held captive there for 6 months alone, used as leverage for her legendary clan. 

Each day a masked man would come in and shove a piece of bread in their mouths and give them water, it was a 3 course meal, but at least she had food. 

One day three masked men came in Hinata looked terrified, like she knew what was going to happen, she drew closer to the wall almost like she would rather stay there than go with the men, 

when the men walked past her she looked at them confused then at Sakura in fear 

suddenly it dawned on Sakura, 

today those men were here for her... 

They unchained her and held onto her tightly as she struggled to get lose, dragging her out of the room placing the blind fold back on her, she was pulled further and further along until she was stopped and heard a door close behind her,

her blindfold was pulled off and she was standing in a room that looked like a laboratory out of her old university's science building, puzzled she looked around for an escape, she was alone in this room so surely she could find a way out, that's what she thought up until the door opened again and two men walked in 

these ones didn't wear creepy masks, but by looking at their faces she almost wished they did 

one man had dark orange hair with piercings down his nose, under his lip and all over his ears, he was tall and intimidating, but the scariest part of him was his eyes, they held an absent expression, as if there was no life within them, they were a dark purple colour and under the lights they seemed to swirl, he looked like he could kill her then carry on making a coffee like it was no big deal, 

the other man was even taller, he had dark raven coloured hair with sharp features, similar to Sasuke... He had to be Madara Sakura thought, although similar in appearance, he was nothing like Sasuke and she could tell, there was no gentleness or desire to protect in his onyx eyes, only malice and morbid humour, looking at him sent shivers down her spine, she was terrified, she couldn't read either of the men in front of her, and it was more than unnerving, 

it seemed like forever but the one she assumed was Madara finally spoke, 

"So nice of you to join us Miss Haruno darling" he said his voice dripping with fake sweetness 

"Like I had a choice" she spat back 

he grinned sadistically and moved towards her, causing her to step back into the wall behind her, 

he grabbed her chin, she recoiled at his touch 

"Pretty girl, no wonder my irritating nephew decided to try help you, too bad though, took you right from  him" he laughed 

Sakura only glared at him as he held her in place 

"Listen now darling, see I need your help" 

"What makes you think I would help you, you sadistic bastard!" Sakura spat back venomously

"Ahh I was hoping you would say that, see my friend over there" he said gesturing to the orange haired man "He is known as pain, do you want to find out why?" 

Sakura gulped, she didn't need to guess she was pretty sure she knew why, she stayed silent 

"now, I need you to help me create a very special kind of medicine, from very specific ingredients called Byakugan, I know you achieved top scores in all your science types, and I know you are the best doctor in Konoha, therefore I know you are capable of doing exactly what I need, you're not dumb are you?" 

"Medicine? W-why?" Sakura spluttered confused, why did he need her to make medicine? 

"See princess you will have a very special lab partner, who will watch and make sure you're doing the right thing" 

suddenly the man called pain had her by the neck while Madara opened the door and in walked a man with dark hair and snake like features, his pupils black slits, surrounded by unnatural yellow, he walked over pulled out a large syringe and stuck it into her neck, causing her to cry out in pain, 

when she was finally released and dropped to the floor left gasping for air, her neck still stinging, 

"WHAT'D YOU DO TO ME?" she yelled 

"We just made sure we had a way to ensure your cooperation!" 

"Starting tomorrow, you will help make the most addictive, deadly and money making drug ever created, if you don't" he cackled while pulling out a remote and pressing it 

Sakura felt a sharp agonizing pain shoot from her neck through her body, her head felt as if it were splitting in half, and her body felt like it was on fire, she screamed falling to the floor, 

he finally let go of the button laughing manically, 

she lay on the floor unable to move, silent tears rolling down her cheeks, 

"See you tomorrow!" Madara said as the three men walked out, shortly replaced by three men in masks walking in, 

they pulled her limp body up and dragged her back to the cell 

and soon she was chained up again, it looked like Hinata had taken another beating too, but Sakura didn't have the energy to talk, 

she was unsure of what was to happen tomorrow, 

the only thing she was sure of was that there was no way she was assisting in making a mass produced drug, 

she'd rather die, 

she closed her eyes and dreamed she was back in Sasuke's arms, bait or not, she was better there, 

she cried silently sending a message she could only hope would get to Sasuke

"Please hurry up and save me"


Fast update for my lovelies ! (Not going to lie, it's mainly cause I decided I should ignore my home work and procrastinate by writing this!) Hope  you enjoy, please remember to vote and comment xx Stay tuned for the next chapter! 

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