Chapter 6

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Sasuke could feel the sweat dripping down his body as he undid the straps of his boxing gloves, he had been working out with his best friend/ally Naruto Uzumaki, the boss of the uzumaki clan,

Sasuke told him as he boxed what had happened with the akatsuki member in frustration he punched as hard as he could half knocking Naruto off balance, "oi Teme save that for the akatsuki assholes"

Apologising Sasuke then told Naruto about the pink haired woman whose name was Sakura, and how she had saved him, he specifically left out the fact that her last name was Haruno, until he was sure she was a threat he would stay out of her life, he owed that much to her,

At least after she called and asked for compensation for her care,

Just then he heard his phone ring,

Reaching for his phone he saw it was an unknown number, suspicious of an akatsuki member calling he answered and said as coldly as he could while emotionlessly replying "hello"

What came next was completely unexpected

He heard a woman say "... help me"

He recognised her voice instantly "S-Sakura? What's wrong? Where are you?" Sasuke asked concerned

Making Naruto snap his head towards him with a questioning and concerned look

"I-I was attacked" she stuttered

"Shit, where are you now?"

"I'm at a convenience store near the main konoha mall" she whispered "please hurry sasuke"

She sounded so vulnerable, why that bothered him so much he didn't know, this woman was something else, he knew he should be staying away from making connections with people, but something about her just pulled him back in,

Sasuke pulled his shirt back on and turned to his blond haired friend

"let's go"

And there he was driving to help a woman he hardly knew, against every ounce of logic inside him.

Sasuke pulled up and got out of the car with Naruto following closely behind

Pushing the door of the shop open he saw Sakura standing there her arms protectively around her waist, she looked up her eyes filled with exhaustion and fragility, she walked towards him, it seemed like she was trying to gather her thoughts and emotions

"I'm sorry I just didn't know who else to call..." she said awkwardly

"Are you okay?" Sasuke asked ignoring her previous statement

"I'm fine, can you please take me home"

"Tell me what happened"

"No thanks, I saved you, now it's your turn to help me, now drive me home" the pink haired woman said, she seemed to have her walls back up, the vulnerability that was in her eyes before were now replaced with a hardened determination,

Saying nothing Sasuke nodded and turned to the door

Naruto introduced himself "you must be Sakura, I am Naruto, thank you for helping my friend" he smiled while extending his hand out to her

Sakura accepted his handshake and nodded her replies feeling irritated Sasuke motioned for the two to hurry, when Naruto stopped and asked Sakura "Can you tell me anything about the attackers?"

Sasuke glared at Naruto, he had told him she didn't know about their involvement in the Mafia, especially not that they were bosses

"Yeah, they mentioned something about me being the next leader of the Haruno clan, I don't know..."

'Ahhhh shit' Sasuke thought 'she could have said anything except that'

Naruto faced her sharply "Anything else?" He asked calmly

"They knew about my Father... and how he died... I don't know, a lot of insults about how I was too weak"

"Did they mention who they were?"

"I think they said they were from the Akatsiki? Akutsuci? ?"

"The Akatsuki" Sasuke said darkly interrupting their conversation

Nodding Sakura looked at the two puzzled,

Sasuke looked at Naruto who nodded,

"Sakura I'm sorry but you're going to have to come with me, I'm afraid your house may not be safe for you right now" Sasuke told her

"Sasuke..." she said


"Tell me who you really are, why didn't you want to go to the hospital?"

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