Chapter 4

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Sakura woke with a start, her head still pounding she had been so drained she must have passed out, the man... Sasuke, was his name, must have left, oh well there goes her plans to question him, she thought as she stretched her arms out, luckily she had the day off. 

Sakura decided to go for a run, pulling her tank top over her head she tied her runners and put her earphones in her ears she closed the door behind her and begun running drowning out the craziness of the past few days. 

Sakura ran and ran, she was good at running, excellent in fact, she could now run for hours without stopping, she had begun running shortly after her father had been killed, it was her escape, she would run until she felt she literally couldn't stand, then shower and fall asleep from exhaustion, she knew it probably wasn't the best way of coping, but she was alone and it kept her moving, plus it also kept her fit. 

While running she thought about her Father, why anyone would want to harm him was beyond her, he was always kind and caring, conservative and humble, never cross or aggressive, his death was so sudden, she thought back to his funeral, although her family was only the two of them, many people had attended and mourned the loss of her father, she remembered one old lady come to her and bow "May you lead with strength, the Haruno clan will thrive again" she had said to Sakura, 

the womans comment had baffled Sakura, she had brushed it off and continued mourning then, but now, she wasn't sure what the lady meant or why there were so many people there, or how she was supposed to lead the "Haruno Clan" what did that even mean? She thought to herself feeling her breathing get heavier from running. 

Just as she was feeling she had run a good amount and should turn to go home she ran straight into a broad chest, he smelled of tobacco and spirits, immediately stepping back she sheepishly apologized and went to leave, when another equally large man blocked her path, getting worried Sakura tried to step away from the man only to be grabbed by the original man she crashed into, "While if it isn't the next Haruno Clan boss" the mans deep scratchy voice seethed "She looks far to pretty to be the boss of such a notorious clan, I heard it was disbanded because of the weakness of their leaders" the other said,

 Sakura had no idea what they were talking about, "I d-don't kn-know what y-you're ta-talking ab-about" She replied to their words nervously, 

"Oh, she is good, acting like she knows nothing HA!" The man said while slapping her hard 

with her check stinging Sakura bit back her want to cry out, tears threatened to spill from the sheer force of the hit, she didn't know what was happening but she knew she was in trouble, they seemed to know her name, she had to find a way to get herself out of this,

"Cmon Princess" The man said while playing with Sakuras hair "Admit it, you know your father Kizashi was the previous boss, to think he had such a pretty daughter who he managed to hide even after our boss killed him, PRICELESS!" he shrieked 

Had Sakura heard him right? He just said he not only knew who murdered her father but also served him? She didn't know what her Father had hidden from her, were these brutes even telling the truth? She hoped not, but something inside her told her that they weren't lying, 

"What do you mean boss? Why do you keep calling my father that and me?" Sakura yelled angrily, as her fury overrode her fear 

"Oh, so she really doesn't know? That is cute, should we tell her?" The man turned to the other who just smirked and nodded 

"Well Miss Haruno, you are the heiress to the seat of boss over the Haruno clan, one of the biggest Mafia gangs in the world, behind only the Uchiha clan and the Akatsuki, where we are from and of course the Hyuga Clan but that is just a myth, no one ever see's them. Oh well, too bad for you princess, because your clan has been destroyed, and guess what! You are next!" 

Sakura froze, she had to much to process, Mafia? Boss? Destroyed clan? and Uchiha... Sasuke Uchiha... 

Sakura was pulled from her thoughts as she felt the coldness of a gun being pressed to her forehead, "I really hate to spoil such a pretty face, but I guess it can't be helped!" 

Sakura sucked in a breath, she wasn't going to die like this, if what he had said was true her father died and kept her existence a secret, likely to protect her. She wouldn't make his sacrifice a waste, she had to think, "damn it Sakura think!" she thought to herself 

she thought back to her childhood when her Father had insisted she learned martial arts and how to protect herself, she thought of the little drills they had done where he would pretend to hold a gun to her and made her practice escaping, 

the chances of her pulling it off were slim, but they were all she had, closing her eyes she took a breath, calmed herself and watched the mans movements, 

his grip on the gun was loose meaning he didn't see her as a threat, this was good, 

Sakura quickly hit the wrist of the man grabbing his gun from him and pushing her elbow up to his chin, knocking him over, then turning to his friend she pointed the gun at him, "say another word I will fucking kill you" Sakura said, the adrenaline pumping through her body, truth be told she didn't even know how to shoot a gun, but she hoped he couldn't tell, 

the man obviously taken by surprise from her actions raised his arms. 

Sakura still pointing the gun moved backwards still facing them, "Face the wall" she commanded, "If you turn around the last thing you see, hear or taste will be a bullet in your head" 

the men did as she said, 

Sakura quickly ran away as fast as she could, entering the nearest store, she would be safe in a public place, at least for now she thought, plus if she ran home they could have followed her home, that would be hell. 

Shaking Sakura opened her phone, who could she call? She had no family, Ino would freak out, Tsunade her boss would make her take off the week, maybe she should call the police, after all she was attacked, but something the man had said... Mafia... She knew if she or her family for some reason were involved, the police weren't the people to go to, 

scrolling through her contacts her eyes landed on a particular name, 

"Sasuke Uchiha" ... 

After minutes of debating Sakura finally gave in and called the dark haired devilishly handsome man. 

*Ring ring* 

"Hello?" A masculine voice answered 

Sakura broke down as the events of the night dawned on her, hot tears streamed down her face as she whispered 

"Help me..." 


Okey so idek if anyone is reading or enjoying this but I am enjoying writing it so yes! 

Next chapter coming soon! 

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