Chapter 16

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Hello readersssss, just want to say a huge thank you for your support and thank you for the comments, reads and votes they mean so much to me! Enjoy :) 


Her head throbbed, her eyes felt glued shut, everything hurt 

her throat felt raw and dry, and she could still smell remnants of strong chemicals making her even more dizzy

she strained her mind trying to remember how she got to wherever she was, why she was there and what on earth was going on 

suddenly the memories of the nights events came falling into her mind like a ton of bricks, 

shit was Ino okay? 

Was the rest of the clan okay? 

did anyone know Ino was hurt? 

what about the baby?? 

oh yeah and what the hell was happening to Sakura?!? 

slowly gaining feeling in her body she felt cold restraints on her wrists and ankles, a gag over her mouth and a blind fold over her eyes, 

fuck,fuck,fuck,fuck she thought repeatedly 

why was she there?? 

it was quiet around her when she heard what must be the door open followed by the sound of something or someone being thrown to the ground, 

Sakura gasped as her blind fold was ripped away, the bright light from the door blinding her momentarily, when eyes finally adjusted she was able to take in her surroundings, she was in a small dark cell like room, her arms chained to the wall behind her by her wrists, along with her ankles, and a rope around her neck, she looked at the woman who had been thrown into the cell with her, 

her long tangled mass of midnight blue almost black hair sprawled around her unconscious frame, she seemed to have bruises covering her along with multiple open wounds and scars, she looked exhausted and deprived, Sakura wondered how long the poor woman had been in this hell hole, 

a  masked man who must've been the one to remove her blind fold proceeded to pick the woman up aggressively and drag her to the other set of chains at the wall, binding her so she probably mirrored how Sakura looked, 

she fearfully watched the large masked man, he looked over at her then turned and left.

She breathed a sigh of relief, but was bitterly brought back to reality when she heard the woman groan in pain 

she seemed as if she was regaining consciousness and when she finally opened her eyes Sakura's emerald green eyes were met with pale broken eyes, eyes without hope. 

Sakura could tell this woman was probably breathtaking when she wasn't being held captive and likely being tortured by psychopaths, she had even features and fair skin, long dark lashes and full lips, if they were in any other normal circumstance Sakura may even have been envious of the woman 

but the reality is, this wasn't a normal circumstance, it was dangerous and horrible 

Sakura managed to slide her gag off her mouth, 

"Who are you" the dark haired woman asked weakly 

"My name is Sakura Haruno, who are you?" she replied her voice shaking 

"Ahh so they caught you Haruno heiress, my name is Hinata Hyuuga, I am the Hyuuga Princess" 

Sakura recognized that, when had she heard about the Hyuuga princess? Shit, thats what Shikamaru had said Madara wanted the Hyuuga Princess and the Haruno heiress... 

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