*Chapter 1*

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~ two years after prologue~


After a long day of helping people Sakura returned home, exhausted she opened the door and made her way the bathroom, staring at herself in the mirror she saw nothing particularly special about her, her long pink hair braided tightly back, and her emerald eyes that no longer held a spark to them, and not mention her particularly large forehead, chuckling to herself she remembered what Ino had called her when they were children "Billboard brow" Sakura at the time had created her own clever nickname for her friend "Ino-Pig!" they had bickered and fougt over everything and yet she was Sakura's best friend. Sakura pushed the old memory from her head, quickly peeling off her clothes as she climbed into the shower letting the hot water pour over her body and wash away the aches and pains from the day,

Wrapping the towel around herself she made her way to her room and pulled her top over her head and shorts on to sleep in, and made her way back to the kitchen to find something to eat.

her house was so quiet, too quiet she thought sadly, she was alone.

It had been almost 2 years since the mysterious murder of her Father, she had been heart broken, she was completely alone in the world. For months she had refused to get out of bed, she herself had just wanted to whither away with her spirit.

Eventually she figured she was achieving nothing laying there and decided she would slowly but surely achieve her dream of becoming the best doctor in Konoha, her father had wanted that for her also. So she had decided she would fill the void in her heart by helping people, the only problem was she often still felt empty.

sighing she went to pull a book from her bookshelf she felt she deserved to relax a little, just when she was sitting comfortably on her couch she heard a shout from outside of her window, followed by a loud *BANG*

immediately she was up, pulling her curtain aside she peered out of the window cautiously, what she saw was a dark haired man falling while clutching his side in agony, looking around there was no one else there so she ran outside,

her bare feet met the cold cement ground as she ran towards the man, she put her arm around him and spoke to him "Listen I am a doctor I can help you but I need to get you to the hospital"

"N-no Hospitals" he struggled to say "Jus-st patch me up here" he managed to say spitting blood from his mouth

"Shit we need to get you inside help me walk you in!"

once inside the pinkette found her Medical bag, he was lucky she had brought it home with her!

she cleaned his wound and distributed anesthetic, removed the bullet and stitched his wound, and bandaged him up, then looked to make sure there were no other injuries needing immediate medical attention, he had scratches and bruises but nothing as serious, he was lucky she had been there and she knew what she was doing and she had done perfectly if she did say so herself, once satisfied with her work and sure that he wouldn't die any time soon, she begun cleaning the area around him,

she finally had the chance to observe the man, and she was breathless, he was gorgeous, she his shirt now off because she had to check the gunshot wound revealed his toned stomach, along with muscular arms and a broad chest, and wide shoulders. blushing she looked to his face, he had a sharp jawline with fair skin, his dark messy hair just complimented his face, and by the looks of him he had to be over 6 foot

"Oh my goodness I have a freaken Godlike model in my house what tf do I do?!?"

she had been so busy helping him she didn't even stop to see what he looked like, she stepped away from him and closed her eyes taking a breath, he didn't want the hospital involved, meaning he was hiding something that he didn't want the police to know...

Something in her told her she should call the police, but another part of her just wanted this man to hold her in his arms "WTF ARE YOU THINKING SAKURA STOP!" she scolded herself,

after reasoning with herself she decided she would help him recover and then determine whether or not the police needed to be involved, "maybe he is just scared of hospitals, yes, that must be why he didn't want to go there"

and with that she went to shower, again, and go to sleep,

"this has been a long day, and I get the feeling tomorrow will be even longer" sakura thought as she closed her eyes, "While Mr Mysterious, guess I'll find out your story tomorrow"

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