Chapter Twelve : "Want another?"

Start from the beginning

"Shut up Alex." He says.

"Yea, no thanks. I don't take orders from you." I cross my arms.

"I swear to go-" He starts.

"What? That you will kick my ass?" I laugh. "Last I knew, I kicked yours."

That pissed him off. He stepped closer to me.

"Guys, knock it off." Clarke, tried, to intervene but failed. Bellamy moved his arm in front of her and blocked her from moving.

"What do you want a fight?" I ask.

"If you want that." He smirked.

"I honestly wouldn't mind one. Knowing I'll win."

I hand Clarke my thing and stand in my fighting position.

People started gathering around us yelling "Go Bellamy!" and "Fight!" and some were saying "Who's the girl?".

Now, this kind of attention I liked.

"Care to start?" Bellamy asks.

"Ladies first." I bow.

He comes charging and I move out of the way. Next I kick him in the stomach, with him landing on the ground.

"Ooooh!" I hear some yell.

He gets back up immediately. This time I come charging. He tries doing what I did and moves to the left but I put out my leg and he trips over.

Now I am laughing.

"Do you even know how to fight?" I ask laughing. I know I was ruining his rep but, I was doing for a reason. He is a stuck up, egotistic ass who thinks he is in charge of everyone and everything.

"Ok. How about this. I will go easy on you." I stand normally with my arms wide open.

"What ever you like princess." No he didn't.

"Don't call me princess, Bellhop."

I see the anger in his eyes burning. He closes them and relaxes his fist. What is he doing?

"Giving up?" I ask.

"Never." And he starts slowly walking towards me. Why is he so calm? "What's a matter princess?"

"Quit calling me that!" I am starting to lose my temper.

When he reaches me I throw my fist at him and he, catches it!? Next thing I know his put his right leg behind my left and tripped me over. It's almost like I am paralyzed. I can't move. What is he doing to me?!

He bends down so he is on top of me. Holding my arms above my head.

"Give up?" He ask with a sly smile.

I think in my head a way out. Then it comes to me.

"Idiot." I smile.

"What'd you call me?!"

"Idiot." And I kick him in the nuts.

He rolls off me unto his back and I jump on top of him.

"You must really like being on top huh?" He asks still panting from the pain.

His question throws me back a bit. I pull hand up over my hand and get ready to punch his pretty face. But, that never happens.

He grabs both my arms and rolls us over, again. I close my eyes because he rolled me over on a twig. I hiss out in pain.

"Will you just let me punch you alre-" I try to say but my mouth is covered.

I open my eyes and all I see is his eyes closed and his lips on mine. At first I am surprised at his action and just lay there letting him kiss me. After a few seconds he pulls away. And I just lay there, dumbfounded. This jerk just kissed me to distract me.

Now I am brought back to reality when he is still on me smiling. Now I am pissed. I push him off me and stand up brushing myself off, he does the same.

"You know," I look over at him. He runs his pointer finger across his lips. "You're not bad." He smirks.

I walk up to him.

"Want another?" He playfully pouts his lips.

And I punch him as hard as I can.

"What was that for?" He asks, his smile gone.

I didn't answer him and walked over to Clarke and took my stuff from her.

"Thank you." I whisper to her and walk into the dropship.

"Alex." She runs after me.

I go inside the dropship and slide down one of the walls and sit.

"Are you ok?" She sits next me.

"No, Bellamy is a jerk." I cry.

"I know. Come here." And she pulls me into a hug.

We sit like that for a few minutes until I calm down. We both stand and walk out.

She reaches for my hand and holds it. I look up at her and smile.

"Octavia is gone!!" We hear someone yell.

Entering the camp is Jasper and a few other people.

Clarke and I, hand in hand run over to them.

"What do you mean she is gone?" Clarke asks Jasper.

"She snuck out of camp to come hunting with us and then she wandered off. We went to go look for her back she was nowhere." Jasper breathed.

"Clarke." I said.

She turned towards me.

"Go get Bellamy, tell him what happened and wait for me at the main entrance." I said.

She nodded her head and ran off to find the jerk. I walked around camp looking for Finn. I stop a kid who was walking my way.

"Have you seen Finn?" I ask them. They point up ahead.


I find Finn leaning up against the back side of the drop ship.

"Hi Finn." I wave to him.

"Alex. Hey."

"I need your help with something."

"What is it?" He asks standing up.

"Follow me." Slowly we start walking to the entrance.

I tell him about Octavia and Lincoln and what Lincoln did.

"Are you sure Lincoln won't harm her?" He ask.

"Yes, also I need you to pretend to be tracking but just follow me, I know where to go."

"Whatever you say." He smiles at me.

"Oh, and Finn." I stop.

"Yea?" He stops next to looking at me while I look at my feet.

"Can you try to keep Bellamy away from me?"

"What'd he do?"

I tell him about the fight and the...kiss.

"He kissed you?!" He shouts.

"Y-yes. And then I punched him."

Finn laughs.

"Sure. I'll try to keep you away from him."

"Hey, what does that mean?" I smile at him.

"Well, from the sounds of it, if you get near him you'll kick his ass, not the other way around."

"True." I laugh.

We stand there looking at each other.

"Alex." Finn says.

"We should get going. Come on." I hold his hand and we run to the gate.

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