Confusion chapter 34

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Annie POV (in the afternoon)
As I was in the car I can hear the radio. It sounded like some drama show. I was getting tired until I heard the name Hayden Summerall?! Someone turned the volume up and it said, "You think Annie and Hayden are the perfect couple well you wrong!! Tonight we saw hayden and this mystery girl at a dinner place!! Once they left they went back to her house!! I wonder what happened there??? See you next time on Teen News!" I had a tear down my eye.. I didn't know if they could be telling the truth, but I had to stick with my theory that he was not cheating on me. Then the car stopped and someone carried me out. Then they tied me in another chart but they took off my blink fold. I still had tape over my mouth but the room I was in was sadly to say but beautiful. The room was very cool looking to. Until I hear the door slam!!!
Hayden POV

I woke up with my tv on, around 8 am. I heard them talk me and Es "date"! Once I saw that I went into her room and said, DID YOU SEE THE NEWS!!!! She said, n no why? I showed her and she was acting no as surprise as I am... she said well let them think what they want to think. I said, BUT AM DATING ANNIE!!! After that she postmated some food and once it came we were talking about how to save annie. The weird thing is that's she was always and I mean ALWAYS getting off topic... finally we got a plan and we started to work on it. She helped me find a good spy outfit thing as she got hers.
Then finally we went to our training room. It was a small place about 5 minutes from her house. Again in the car she was speaking Dutch but this time I voice recorded it. Once we got to the training spot we started to changed and about 5 hours later we were down for the day. There was a built in shower in there and I went in. About five minutes into the shower I hear the door open but I thought it was someone else because we were not the only ones. Then I feel like someone was watching me. I turn around and LIZA WAS WATCHING ME!!! I was hiding my ... and yelled, OMG LIZA GET OUT! She walked up to me and said, you know you want me... she started to kiss me! I pushed her off and said, omg just stop I don't like you! Then I ran and got a towel and left. This time I packed my things and went to apartment. Once I was there I found out that's they were talking about where to hide Annie?! I was going to confront her but I thought of a plan.... if I pretend to date her she could show me where Annie is and then get her safely.... perfect I would start tomorrow!

(Again sorry so sort it's just it's getting busy posting because school starting soon but next time I will try and make it longer)

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