The game part 1 chapter 6

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We stoped by a close Park. We sat down and I said.
Listen what happened yesterday that you might not remember never happen ok.
Hayden said.
I know what your talking about and it did happen so you can't say it didn't?
I rolled my eyes. I just walked back to the mall. I saw Owen and we started to talk. He said.
Hey can I come over your house.
I said.
Sure but I share it with someone.
We didn't answer but we continue to the house.  As we got there his eyes widen. We walk in and Hayden we making food. He said hey ann.
He was shocked to see Owen. Owen said.
Can I talk to Hayden for a minute.
I nodded making sure it was good with Hayden. It was and the walked out as I was making the food.
Hayden POV
I said.
What do you want?
He said.
Are you dating Annie?
I said.
No why.
He just laugh. I saw a look in his eyes that he was up to no good. I said.
What up.
He just laugh. It was annoying. He walked out.
Annie's POV
Owen said.
I know your making food and all ( Hayden says cough cough I was making it cough cough) but you want to go out to eat.
I said.
Hayden yelled.
Can I come!!
Owen said in pain.
I ran upstairs to get changed.
Annie's dress

Annie's dress

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Owens suit

Hayden suit

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Hayden suit

So I take some time doing my makeup as the boys are downstairs

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So I take some time doing my makeup as the boys are downstairs. When I finished Owen yelled.
You ready?
I yelled.
When I was coming down the stairs I hear the boys talking. When I was down the stair the didn't even notice. I cough when the looked at me there faces. They both blushed. Owen put his arm around my waist and Hayden put his arm around my neck. When I was going to go in the car I see a limo. Owen opened the door. I when in Owen was going to go in but Hayden ran in. Owen had a mad face on but he did not show it. We when in the limo and the ride was silent. When we got there we all got out. I felt like they were not getting along. So it was a there seat table. Owen ran to pull out my seat. It was the middle I sat down. I went to look at main meals that have and it was really fancy I said.
Are you sure you can afford this?
Owen said.
Yah why?
I said.
Ok just making sure.
The waiter came looked at Owen and winked because she thought he was cute. She was around our age. She ask.
What can I get you all for drinks?
Annie got water Owen got sprinkling water and Hayden got soda.
She left to get our food. We were just talking about stuff until are drinks came. She ask.
What will you all like to eat?
Annie got pasta with Hayden but Owen got penne vodka sauce. She left to get are food. We were just talking until I had to us the bath. Hayden did to. We left. It Owen looked like he was up to no good but he was a prankster so. I came back 5 minutes with Hayden his arm was around me. Owen look mad in a way. I had a toast. I said.
For a old friend met up. We toast and had a drink. As we were eating Hayden been going to the bathroom a lot and I was not feeling good. Hayden left because he was not feeling good but had wanted us to leave to. I said.
He said.
H h he's u ptt
I said.
You are just sick go home your uber is here.
I walked him there. As we were walking I was tripping. I felt weird to. I when back inside. Me and Owen were just talking. I said.
Can w w we g got back h h home e.
He said.
Let's go to my house because Hayden "sick".
I was tripping walking to the car. Everything was getting blare. Ever thug went black from there. When I was seeing I woke up in a bed. I go to look and I was in bed with Owen?!

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