Part 26

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Together Forever? Part 26

Mia’s p.o.v

I finish the last touches on my  make up and look myself over one last time. Running my fingers through my hair a few times I make sure I have my hair just the way I want it. I run my hands over my shirt, smoothing it out and exhale a deep breath. I have on my favorite red button up plaid shirt and skinny jeans Feeling satisfied with how I look I grab my cell and wallet then go check to see if the girls are ready. I knock on Carly’s door and see her all dressed and brushing her hair.

“Ready sissy?” I ask her walking into the room and sitting down on her bed

“Ya I’m ready” she says setting down the brush

“Come here” 

She walks over to me and I pull her into my lap. I smile at her and fix her part, running my fingers through her hair. 

“Carly you’re a very beautiful girl, already a heart breaker. We’re gonna be in even worse trouble when you get older” I say with a sigh “So what’s going on between you and Riley?”

“Oh ummm…” she looks down blushing “I like her Mia..I like her a lot”

“Umm are you two together?” I ask thinking this is the weirdest question to ask my baby sister at her age

“Well..ya I think so…I know you think we’re too young and that you hate the fact this is happening but I swear we aren’t doing anything bad”

“What do you mean by that?”

“We only peck on the lips, sometimes longer than others but nothing more than that and cuddling”

“That’s still bad to me” I say with a frown

“Compared to what you do I’m still a saint” she says crossing her arms

“Face it sissy, if you like girls and I love girls, we’re both going to hell according to the bible” I say with a chuckle 

“As long as Riley’s there I don’t care” she says kissing my cheek and hopping off my lap “ Oh and you” she says with a big smile “I love you Cara”  she says before quickly leaving the room

I frown and get up going downstairs where I see Riley beaming at Carly. I rub the bridge of my nose and tell them to go watch some TV until Jenna gets here. I head back upstairs, remembering that I forgot to put on perfume. I pick up my work out clothes and wet towel from my shower off the floor and throw it in the hamper before walking over to my perfumes. I decide on my favorite, sweet pea  from bath and bodyworks. I spray some over myself and pull my pants open and spray some down there. You know, just incase..

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