Part 4

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Together Forever Part 4

Mia’s p.o.v

We are at Carson’s parents house for dinner and we were all standing around chatting amongst ourselves until the food was ready. She looks so beautiful in a black and white dress that makes her look sexy yet…elegant. I’m wearing a black dress that is a bit like Carson’s but she looks so much better in hers. Right now it was just me and Carson talking while everyone else were talking to each other. It was Devan’s family, Carson’s, and Madalynn’s.

“You sure your ready for this Car?” I ask taking her hand and looking in her eyes

Her eyes show no fear. She looked absolutely sure of herself, so confident. I find that extremely attractive. That’s why I love her so much.

“I positive babe. We can do this and they will all accept us I know they will” She says with no amount hesitation in her voice.

Looking around I see no ones watching so I pull Carson into a back room. Gently pushing her into the wall I kiss her passionately putting my hands on her waist as she wraps her arms around my neck. We enjoy each other for a few minutes, careful that we don’t take it far enough to get too excited.  Walking back into the room Carson’s Dad starts asking if anyone if they want a drink.

“You want a drink Mia?” he asks

“Yes please. Me and Car want some wine if that’s alright?” I say

“Ya that’s fine ill go get that for you two” he replies leaving the room

He comes back in handing us the glasses then walks away. I nervously sip at it looking around. Carson gently lays her hand on my shoulder.

“Calm down everything will be fine” she coos 

The sound of her voice instantly calms me and I start to relax. She slowly rubs my back whispering soothing words in my ear.

“Wanna go to my room?” she asks

“Yes please”

Taking my hand we go upstairs to her old room and lock the door behind us. I lay on the bed sighing.

“Still nervous baby?” she asks sitting next to me

“YES. How could you not be??”

“Cause I know everything will just fine. I mean my family loves you, your pretty much in Devan’s family so they’ll accept you no matter what I mean those are your parents not the ones you always avoid, ad you’ve known Madalynn’s family almost your entire life. Everything will be fine. Devan and Madalynn are going to come out too.”

“Are you serious?” I ask her surprised



“See now there’s no backing out now ya pansy” she says laying her head on my chest

“Wow love you too”

“Oh shush you know I love you”

I run my fingers through her soft hair. I carefully study her. I know every curve of her body and every part of her soul yet it feels as if I don’t know her at all. Everything about her excites me. The sound of her voice, the way she looks at me, and the way she knows exactly what I’m feeling at what I need. That secure feeling I’ve been looking entire life and I’ve found it. It’s right here wrapped around me, comforting me this very moment.

This is the girl I want to marry. The girl I want to have my entire life. I want her to be the mother of my children. She is the only girl I want now. She's everything to me.



“I love you so much”

“I know baby. I love you too”

She leans up and gently kisses me. I run my fingers through her hair deepening the kiss. There’s a knock at the door, quickly pulling away she stands up fixing herself  then opens the door. Her Dad tells us its time to eat. After he leaves Carson sits back on the bed next to me taking my hand.

“You ready? It’s almost time.” she asks softly 

“Ya I’m ready as long as your by my side” I say smiling at her

“Of course”

“Forever?” I ask

“And always baby” 

Smiling we head downstairs and take our seats at the table. Taking a deep breath I prepare myself for what’s coming.


There it is. So do you think everything is going to go ok? Is Mia going to purpose to Carson? Let me know what you thought please cause seriously the lack of feedback upsets me. 

So you know how it goes




Goodnight my good people and sweetdreams

Together Forever?: Book Two (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now