The End

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Together Forever? Part 35 (The End)

I drive as fast as I can (without getting a ticket) down the streets as if were a regular thing going to her house again. The house that is all to familiar to me. I pull into the driveway and get out of my car, sprinting to the door and banging on it. The door opens moments later and a look of shock spreads over her gorgeous features. Before she can even say anything I pull her close and kiss her deeply. She’s unresponsive at first but quickly gets into it. I put as much passion as I can into this heated kiss. I know we could both feel the ache for each other. I gently push her inside and close the door behind me. I press her into the wall and let my hands roam the body I’ve missed so much.. I gently break the kiss and look into those bright, beautiful eyes that I fell for.

“Mia what’s going on?” she asks still slightly dazed

“I missed you. I missed you so damn much and I love you. As much as I denied it to myself I know I still do. I always have.. Please please be with me. I’ve felt so empty inside without you. I don’t care about what happened between us before. I care about now and right now I want to make love to you and be with you. I want to be with you every morning and every night for the rest of my days. I want to marry you and have kids and become gross old ladies together. I want there to be an us. Just please say you’ll be with me. That you want all that too…”

“I do want all that Mia. More than anything..” she says starting to tear up “Except for the gross old lady part. We’re going to be sexy old ladies” she says flashing that gorgeous smile and letting me hear that sweet sweet laugh that I’ve missed so much

“I love you..” I say gently wiping away her tears

“I love you too…” she says pressing her forehead to mine

I pull her into another kiss, pressing her back into the wall. She kisses me back passionately as my hands move to start unbuttoning her pants. She pushes me into the living room where I fall back onto the couch. She climbs on top of me and begins sucking my neck as she slowly pushes my shirt up. I lean up and pull it off as she does the same. I suck on her neck as I press my body to hers, my hand searching for the clasp of her bra. When I get it off I feel us falling off the couch onto the floor.

We break into a fit of laughter, smiling like fools when we begin kissing again. I get off her and pull her up with me only to have her push me against the wall. My arms go around her neck as we kiss and her hands run along my sides. My hands move from her neck to her hips as I push her to the other side of hall against the wall. We slowly make our way down the hall to the bedroom never breaking the kiss as we leave a trail of our clothes. By the time we fall back on the bed all clothes are scattered and forgotten, leaving us both naked. She straddles me with a soft loving smile played across her beautiful lips. I sit up and give her a soft, slow kiss as I caress her cheek.

“I love you” I whisper after I break the kiss, still lightly brushing my lips against hers

Together Forever?: Book Two (Lesbian Story)Where stories live. Discover now