Part 10

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Together Forever? Part 10

Carson’s p.o.v.

Carly is staying with my parents for awhile while me and Mia go out of town for a soccer game. After we get our pay checks from playing  we plan on starting on Carly’s room. We just got to the gate and are waiting to get on the plane. Well me and Bailey are. Devan, Madalynn and Mia decided to go run off somewhere and cause trouble like always. Those three cause havoc wherever they go. It’s about 10pm hopefully they don’t cause to much trouble.

“So you and Mia are still together?” Bailey asks coldly shaking me from my thoughts


She scoffs turning her head to look away from me.

“Your to good for her Carson” 

“No. If anything she’s to good for me. She’s an amazing person Bai and you know it”

“No I’ll tell you something we both know. Her family is fucked up Carson and your going to end up getting fucked over because of it. You see how they treat her and it only shows you’ll be next. She has a temper and who knows, one of these days she might turn on you and hit you just like they hit her”

“I’m sick of this Bailey you know I love her and nothing you say is going to change that! You will never have me. So just stop.” I say letting my voice rise

“I will have you Carson you just wait.” she finishes and stands up walking to some of the other girls

I sigh tilting my head back and rubbing my temples. This is going to be a very long trip if Bailey keeps this up. 

Mia’s p.o.v

“Come on Mia we all have to do this!” Devan says excitedly

“Alright guys lets do this” I say grinning 

Me, Devan, an Madalynn walk into the bathroom with a mischievous look in our eyes holding onto the straps of our back packs and each go into a stall. Devan in the second, Madalynn in the fifth and me in the eighth, with a total of nine stalls. Devan’s supposed to start.

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