"Yah, Lisa what did I tell you? Just Taehyung! or even oppa! Let's be close friends!"

She smiled by his reaction.

"Ne, Taehyung Oppa!"

His heart warmed up inside. It was like hearing an angels voice...

"You look different today Lisa - I like the hair! Its a nice touch. And is that... no make-up?!" he said, surprised. She's got some balls, most girls wouldn't even be seen with no make-up. She's different..

"Mmmhmm.. I thought, if we're going to hang out, you might as well see me at my worst" she giggled. 

That sound was music to his ears.. He gave her a soft smile.

"Don't be silly, you're even prettier without make-up. And cute! Look at these cheeks!"

He gave her his signature boxy-smile as he pinched her cheeks.

"Yah, oppa!"

He laughed. He was having fun already.

"Should we go and rent out our bikes? We've got no time to waste!" Lisa said enthusiastically.

"Haha hang on, calm down. Lets go to that little cafe first and get something warm to drink. You must be freezing." He said, looking at her small figure. 

She wasn't that much shorter than him which he liked.

"You know what, I wasn't thinking about the cold until you mentioned it.." She rubbed her arms to generate heat.

"Haha let's go then, my shout" He smiled at her, grabbed her hand and pulled her along to the cafe next to the rental bikes.

He leaped at the opportunity and hoped she followed along.

She did.

As they were walking, his hand in hers, she couldn't help but stare at their hands and blush. Thank god she had the mask on or you would be able to see her bright red cheeks!

He let go of her hands to order.. and she was back in reality.

"Can I have a hot chocolate please? Li- I mean.. Limario what did you want?"

She had to hold in her laughter and did a fake cough to let a bit out.

"Can we make that two?" She said with the brightest smile on her face.

"You don't drink coffee?" Taehyung asked, with a surprised but glad tone

She shook her head "No way, that stuff is gross. I don't get how my unnies drink that stuff every morning.."

"Tell me about it!" Taehyung said while rolling his eyes. "Hyungs are always raving about coffee and how they need it every morning and blah blah blah.. They got me to try it once...Never again..."

She couldn't help but laugh. They were too much alike.

"Whats so funny?" He asked as they sat down at a table just outside the cafe.

"Nothing. I've just never met someone who hated coffee as much as I do."

All he could do was smile. She is so adorable.

After their hot chocolates, they walked to the rental bikes and picked a bike each.

They both rose alongside the river next to each other. 

There was hardly anyone around so they took the footpath to themselves.

They playfully raced each other and talked while they rode.

It was a calm and peaceful time for them both and atmosphere, vibe and weather was perfect.

Taehyung let Lisa creep forward and watched her let her go of her hands for a good 5 seconds while she had her hands in the air, taking in the wind and the fresh air. 

She is so pretty.  He thought. I could watch her all day..

"This is amazing Tae, its been so long since I've felt so free!"

He snapped out of it. 

"I know right? Been so busy lately, I need to cherish this day."

"You've got tomorrow off too! You have plenty to time.. so lucky! Its back to work for me tomorrow." She said with a pouty face.


It had been around 45 mins and they returned their bikes to the rental stand.

They were both getting pretty warm and hungry. 

"I think its time to eat, how bout you Lisa?"

"Mm! Sounds good!' She said with a smile.

Taehyung replied with a soft smile.

"Come with me, I know a place I can show you."

He held out his hand. She looked at his hand for a bit. And then back at him.

Screw it.  She thought

She took his hand.

Taehyung turned, leading the way with a goofy smile on his face while Lisa followed.


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