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Axel left after I reassured him that I would stay away from Blake . I spent the rest of the time getting the books out and onto the shelves and rearranging the reading area . Once I was done I packed up and got my things and locked up my room and left. I stop by the front office to talk to Ava for a few minutes she told me about Blake coming in mumbling something about getting what he wants no one stands in his way and that I had a guy in my room
I explained to her it was Axel he came for lunch which is allowed as long as Axel signed in which he did . And that Blake had asked me out and I turned him down. She did the Ah ha moment .

I walked out to the Jeep placed my bags on the front passenger seat then walked around to the drivers side when I got around to it I saw it was vandalized with Whore written across the door.
" What the Fuck " I yelled . I grabbed my phone and texted the guys . About three minutes later I see a Black BMW pull in
" Mr Blackbourne "
" Ms Adams "
"Casey you causing trouble already at school "
" No Luke I'm not but when I find out who did this I'm gonna beat the shit out of them " I said
" Come on with Us , North will be by later to tow it back to Brandon's Shop "
" Thank you I hope I didn't pull you two away from anything important " I told them
" It's No Problem Ms Adams , We will take you home Corey is already there so you will be safe "
" Thank you Mr Blackbourne "
Luke opens the door for me and I get in .

The drive to the house was quite I was pissed that someone had spray painted my Jeep . I didn't know if they had cameras on the parking lot or not but I am going to ask when I calm down . Once Home Luke brought in my bags for me and then used the rest room . Luke and Mr Blackbourne left . I went upstairs to find Corey I looked in his room then I heard the TV in the the media room I walked down to it and pushed open the door to see Corey laying on the couch half asleep I reached over and pulled the blanket off the couch and laid it over him .
I then went back downstairs and figured out what to fix for dinner I was rummaging through the Fridge trying to come up with an idea when I heard a car door shut . I shut the fridge doors and walked over to the window looked out it to see Marc and Brandon coming in .
I went to the door and slid it open and waited for them to come in

" Dragonfly you okay "
" Yes I am fine my Jeep not so much "
" We heard I'll have it fixed up in no time " Brandon said
" Well that's good but what am I to drive while it's being worked on " I asked
" Well Axel contacted Harry and asked if you could borrow one of their Cars and he said sure that you have a key to the place just pick a car " Marc said
" Yeah I have key to the house so do to y'all want to take care of this now or after dinner "
" Now it would be easier " Marc said
" Okay well one of you needs to stay with Corey he is asleep upstairs in the media room and I don't want him freaking out that I'm not home " I said
" Okay I'll Stay My Bella only if you give me a kiss "
" Hmmm I think I can do that "
We kissed for a few minutes until we had to come up for air .

Marc and I went over to the Andersons got a vehicle for me to drive I picked the Hummer 2 since it's like a Jeep and I have always wanted to drive it but Jason wouldn't let me so here was my opportunity.
We came back to the house and I parked it before I could open the door Raven had it open and pulling me out of the Hummer .
Thank goodness I had my seatbelt off fast enough.
" Kitten I missed you "
" Oh Raven I missed you too " I said as I wrapped my legs around him so that he could carry me in .

We went in and Raven sat me on the counter he wouldn't let go yet , he nuzzled my neck like he always does then nips it I moan out loud
" Alright you two no making out on the counter top" Corey said
I let out a laugh " Oh Corey your no fun " I say with a pout .
He just shook his head at me .
" Since it's so late can we have dinner out tonight " I ask
" Yes Casey , we can go out " Axel said
" Cool " I say as I struggle to get off the counter
" Need a little help My Bella "
" Yes Brandon I do "
He came over and placed his hands on my hips lifted up " Wrap your legs around me and I'll give you a lift to the car " he says
I do what am I told who doesn't love a free ride in the arms of a sexy man .

We ended up at the Diner , Uncle was happy to to see us. He wasn't to happy with the fact my Jeep was vandalized.
Ordering dinner well I ordered Breakfast I had Chocolate Chip Pancakes , bacon and eggs .
I ate everything off my plate . Even Raven was impressed with me .
The topic of conversation was Axels encounter with Blake Hammon .
" I tell you he was eyeing Casey as if she was his next notch in his belt " Axel said as he bit into his fries .
" No he wasn't Axel "I said
Axel rolled his eyes at me " He does Lil Mouse "
I was about to reply when my phone went off with a text message I lifted it off the table and tilted it so I could see the screen

Sang- Casey heard what happened today Please be careful Sweetie need us to go shopping soon need girl time
Me - I will Sang and yes we do need girl time soon

I put my phone back down and look up to see all of them watching me
" What " I said innocently
" Who you texting " Marc asked
" My other lover " I said with a huge smile
"Oh Really " Brandon said as he moved around the table towards me
" Yeah they really understand me and my needs " I say with a smirk
Arms were around me and Brandon was in front of me grabbing my phone to see who I texted
" You little sneak it's Sang "
I heard them all let out a sigh of relief and I giggled
The arms around me squeezed me until I squealed
" Easy Raven don't hurt her she was just having a little fun at our expense but remember Lil Mouse payback is coming " Axel told me with a huge smirk on his face
" Oh Axel I wouldn't have it any other way " I replied
" Kitten you going to get spanked for that " he said with a hint of mischief in his voice
" Mmmm that sounds fun " I giggled
He lifted me out of my seat and then sat me in his since he took over my chair . He nuzzled my neck laying a kiss or two on it then whispered " You feel what your words did to me Don't you Kitten "
" Oh yes I do My Russian love I feel it " I whispered back in return .

" Casey don't wind up Raven " Uncle said from across the Diner
I blushed at his comment I couldn't help it .

After dinner we headed home we swung by the apartment to check on renovations. As we got off the Elevator the whole hallway was painted and decorated nicely . We reached the apartment the door had been replaced and painted black. New Key pad and doorknob too.
Axel punched in the code and opened the door
" Ladies first " he said
I went in , wow this place has been transformed it's not done but you could see that the living room was now where the two bedrooms were that looked out along the marsh it was a wall of windows . The kitchen was now three times the size , there were now 8 Bedrooms
" Y'all took the whole floor didn't you "
" Yes we did it made more sense to have this much room for all of us to live in , That's if when it's done you want to move back here with us or we could stay at your place " Marc said
" Wow Guys I would love to live here with you all but what about my house " I asked
" Well we keep it for now then maybe sell it to get a place of our own together when we out grow this one " Brandon said with so much hope in his voice.
" That sounds like a wonderful idea " I say
" Well we still have about 4 more weeks of construction left before it will be done then we have to furnish it " Axel said
I was taken around the whole apartment and shown each room and told who was were and when we got to one room that was in middle of all the rooms
" This one is or will be yours Casey " Corey said
" it will "
" Yes we put you in the middle since Raven and I will share a room we wanted you to be close enough to all of us " he said
" I love that "
" Oh and we have a surprise for you once we get closer to being done and no we aren't going to tell you " Marc said

They finished taking me around I was impressed with all that they were doing with the place .
We left and went back to my place .

Once Home I changed for bed and got comfortable grabbed a book to read. The guys had gotten a phone call when we pulled in and were all outside talking. Once I fixed my pillow on the bed I laid down and cracked open my book and began to read .

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now