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I hate waiting on news we have been here for two hours and no news on Liam , Harry was moved upstairs to a room and is half awake and half asleep , they had to stitch the 8 inch cut on his side up it wasn't deep enough to cause internal damage but enough to make him uncomfortable and will be sore for a few days . Then they had to stitch the cut above his left eye . I had gone up to see him he was in and out of consciousness I kissed his head told him I loved him and that he needed to get better he patted the bed for me to sit down and I did I curled up next to him

" Casey I'm okay just a little beat up Baby Girl Don't Worry about me he said before he finally fell asleep. I still wasn't told anything by anyone yet but in my gut I had a feeling as to who was responsible for this and if it was him he signed his death warrant when he went after my family. I laid there for a little while listening to him breath and then slowly start to softly snore once I knew he was totally out I crawled out of the bed and slowly stood up
" Woah " I said as I fell forward
Two arms came around me catching me
" Whoa is Right Casey are you alright "
I looked up
" Sorry Owen I "
" It's okay Casey I understand why you were angry I would be too if it was one of my family members "
He adjusted me in his arms pulling me into a deep hug .
" Why are you getting dizzy " he asked
" I need my medicine that's why I got dizzy " I say as I pull away
" What medicine " Owen asked
" My Iron pills I am Anemic so I take Iron pills twice a day and it's already 6 am and I need it before I do pass out and end up in the bed next to Harry " I say with a slight laugh
" Well Do you have them with you "
" No all I grabbed this morning was a hair tie ,my little wallet and my phone "
" Alright then "
He kept his arm around me as we walked to the elevator once inside I leaned up against the wall holding on to the rails trying to keep myself upright and my emotions under control so far it wasn't working I could feel myself losing control on both .
" Owen I don't feel good "
He moved closer to me standing in front of me placing both hands on each side of me on the rails
" Lean forward into me place your head on my chest " he told me
I never heard the doors open on the elevator it wasn't until I heard Owen barking orders that I figured the door had opened and we had stopped.
He slowly began to walk us off the elevator we stopped and something hit the back of my knees
" Casey you can sit down there is a wheelchair right behind you " Luke said
So I sat down with Owens help into the wheelchair
I heard heavy footsteps coming to us it was Either North or Raven they are the only two I know that wear those type of boots that made such a heavy sound and since I haven't heard any yelling in Russian it had to be North .
" What's wrong with Casey " North asked
" She needs her iron pills , she is on the verge of passing completely out " Owen said
Luke rolled me down the hallway and out to the waiting room
" Kitten why are you in wheelchair " Raven asked
" Did any of you happen to grab her pills " Owen asked
" Yeah I did" Marc said as he reaches in his pocket
" She needs one she is about passed out "
" Here Dragonfly "
I couldn't lift my head with out getting dizzy So I kept my head down and took the pill a water bottle was handed to me and I tried not to raise my head but so much .
Taking it and hoping I would feel better quickly

" How about we go get some food for us while we wait " Kota suggested
" Yes that's a good idea " Luke said

" Any news " I asked softly
" No , not yet " Jack said
The wheelchair was moved I glanced up to see Axel he reached down and took my hands
" Up lil Mouse sit in my lap for now "
I got up slowly and he scooped me up into his arms and he took me away from everyone in a quite corner of the waiting room
" Lil Mouse how are you feeling and don't lie to me " he said in that tone
" I'm here , but my mind is in ten different directions I saw Harry he is battered and bruised his cut on his side is stitched up. Liam I have no idea how he is doing, they won't tell us anything he has to be okay he has to live , Lilly needs her husband all of her husbands. I need my adopted Daddy " I say with tears falling down my face .
" Lil Mouse Liam is a strong man he will be fine , Lilly is going to need all the help she can get with those twos recovery And help with Jack and Jason " he said
" I know she will and I'll be there " I said
" Casey "
" Yes Mama "
" I know your having a rough time right now but you being here with us is helping more than you know " Lilly said
" Mama we can't lose Daddy Liam , he has to teach me how to do that dumb dance of his " I said with a cry laugh
" Ha he will teach you and he will teach you how to make his famous banana bread too "
" Oh so you gonna make him you know that's a secret recipe " I say back
" Do you remember the time you Liam was trying to teach how to shoot the gun " Jack said
I didn't realize that everyone had joined us when I heard Jacks voice
" Ha I think my shoulder remembers that really well so does my ass " I say with a laugh
" Kitten what happened " Raven asked
" Oh Liam thought it would be hilarious to give me a shot gun to shoot which hey isn't hard to do he loaded it with one shell and told me to aim for the target but he failed to mention the fucking Kick Back it had and when I shot it the kick back caused me to land on my ass hard I ended up bruising my tail bone and my shoulder had a bruise on it for a month " I giggle out
" That's not right " Raven said with his little chuckle

Luke, Kota and Silas all came over with food for us to eat while we were talking about the crazy things Harry and Liam did and the things they did for me and with me to help me recover from Aleksandr
The doors opened and Dr Roberts and Dr Green came through. Lilly and I both were up standing before they made it across to us
By the looks in their faces it didn't look good

"Lilly , Jack, Jason , Casey , Guys " Dr Roberts said with a quiver in his voice

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now