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I woke up in bed at first I didn't know where I was but after a few seconds I realized I was at The Tomas place
Wait why is there an arm around me , Wait it's Raven I rolled over to face him he had his eyes closed so I studied his face he had a lip ring , dark brown hair it was short on the sides and a little longer on the top not much but enough to grab I ran my fingers through it for some reason I wanted to. I could see some tattoos on his arm I wonder if he had more
I was still running my fingers through his hair when he said "Little Kitten I am enjoying this lots keep playing with my hair "
I let out a little shriek
He let out a laugh
"I'm sorry I should've"
"It's okay Kitten I don't mind it feels good " Raven said
"I know I love when someone plays with my hair too especially when it's getting washed by Gabe " I replied to him
He growled at me
"What is that for "
"Gabe needs to keep hand to self "
"Oh Raven don't Gabe cuts my hair so when he does he washes  it and beside why does it bother you "
"Your Moy kotenok "
"What does that mean "
"My kitten "
"First I'm no Kitten and not yours either "
"We will see"
"I take it Sang and Gabriel left "
"Yes "
"I need to get up and go to the bathroom so let me go "
"No "
"Raven unless you want a wet bed I suggest you let me up "
"Fine "
I got up and walked to the bathroom used it and came out then went to the door
"Where going Kitten "
"I'm not a Kitten and I'm going to get something to eat "
"Okay I come with "
I left the room and went down the hallway to the kitchen I made it with Raven hot on my heels
I stopped at the end of the hallway and Raven ran into me knocking me forward
"Damn it Raven" I said
"Sorry Kitten "
"Stop calling me Kitten "
"No "
"Ugh Men "
"Problems Casey"
"Just a Big ole Brute that ran into me "
"Raven "
"What Corey I did not "
"Is there anything to eat in here I need to eat something that's somewhat healthy "
"Well we were planning to Take you to the Diner for Dinner it's only 4 " Brandon told me
"Okay that's fine but my blood sugar needs to be kept normal and right now it's feeling low so I need something small to bring it up "
"Have you tested it "Axel asked
"No but after all these years I know what it feels like so if you want me to test it I will hand  me my purse "
Corey handed it to me

"Okay you see this little pouch it has my testing supplies in it and my insulin if I need it
Watch as I do the testing I take the meter out turn it on then get the testing strip out and then the lancet pricks my finger place the blood droplet on the strip it will suck it up and then it will read it which it saying it's 56 which is low I need it above 100 for being several hours after eating, Now if you want more information Dr Green or Dr Roberts can give you more "

"Here Casey it's about all we have "
Brandon placed a plate of chicken salad and some crackers
"Good Choice keeping the carbs down but I don't need this much so let's share it "
We all ate it
"Who made this it's delicious I have tired to do Chicken Salad but it's never turned out like this " I asked hoping they would share the recipe
"I did it's one of my speciality's at the Cafe "Marc said
"Oh what else do make "
"Coffee , Pastries, Other Sandwich's"
"Hmmm Coffee I love a good cup of Coffee" I told them
"Good to know I'll make you a cup in the morning "Marc said
"Could you teach me how you make your Chicken Salad or is it too secret " I asked
" I would love to teach you it maybe when this batch is done I'll get everything to make it again and I'll show you " Marc said with a smile on his face
"Okay Cool" I said
We settled into a comfortable silence
After the plate was empty I took it and went into the kitchen placing it in the sink

"Can I ask who is this Kayli person that I will say can slap pretty good "I asked

"She was someone we cared about we thought she was the one for us but as we were moving the relationship along she began to try to turn us against each other she wanted only Axel and she thought if she could get him away from us she would have what she wanted "Marc explained

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now