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" Dr Roberts Dr Green How is Liam " Lilly asked he voice was raw with emotion
" He's is sedated and In ICU "
" Can I see him " Lilly asked
" In a few minutes we need to talk " Dr Roberts said
" Okay Talk "Lilly said

" Now Liam was shot in the upper Chest , the bullet grazed his lung , and was lodged in the left side of his back it nicked his heart , Whoever did this wasn't aiming to kill they are aiming to send a message " Dr Roberts said
" As for Harry he was stabbed in his side from what he said he heard the gun shot and went to Liam he didn't see the person until they were right beside him it was too late they stabbed him then hit him in the head , Now Harry being Harry it didn't hurt him too bad he played like he was passed out so that he could hit the redline button on his phone to alert everyone "

" Now Liam is going to need to be watched for infection and for the chance of his lung collapsing , We repaired the nick in his heart that shouldn't give him any problems other than his ribs having to heal , His lung was repaired too , He will be sedated for 24 hours then slowly brought out we don't want him to stress himself , His main concerns before we put him under was that Lilly , Casey,Jack , Jason and Harry were safe and that he loved y'all and not to worry " Dr Roberts finished up

" Right now Lilly you can go up and see him but it's to be only one at a time in there , he looks worse than he is due to bruising, Casey I want You to go up after Lilly see Liam then Silas and North you take Casey and Sang to the safe house Melissa will be there , once you drop them off come back here we are having a family meeting in 3 hours that's give everyone time to see Liam and go home shower and come back ." Dr Roberts instructed all of us

We all went up to the floor Liam was on and waited in the waiting room on that floor for Lilly to go see Liam .
I sent everyone else in until everyone was done I wanted to be the last one .
Sliding the door open to his room I slowly walked in taking and sitting in the chair that was beside his bed

I looked at him he had a breathing tube in and you could hear the machine breathing for him since they had him sedated and his lung was injured they didn't want his body working to hard . They didn't have a gown on him the sheet was laid across his waist covering him that way the bandages had some blood seeping through and from what the Nurse said before I came in that is to be expected.
I took his hand and squeezed it

" Daddy Liam , they say that you can hear us so I wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about al this, I never wanted anything to happen to you or the family . I promise you this I will make who did this pay with their life for harming my family , I need you to get better , Lilly said you would teach me your famous banana bread so you got to get better oh and I still owe you for the shot gun trick you played on me "
I took a deep breath to keep from crying " You can't leave me Daddy Liam I need you " I cried out .
I laid my head down on the bed to regain control of my emotions .

There was a knock at The door I looked up to see the Nurse
" Casey times up he needs his rest and so do you " she said
I got up leaned over and kissed his head told him I loved him and walked out the door. Through the doors to waiting room past everyone and to the elevator pushed the button
Stepped in when the doors opened I saw everyone staring at me I gave a weak smile then hit the close button and the 6th floor button .
Why the 6th floor that's where the Babies are , You can see them when they are in the nursery.
The doors opened to the floor and when I went to get off I saw Corey standing there with a smile
" How did you get up here so fast " I questioned him
" I'll never tell , Now come let's look at these beautiful little ones " he says as he takes my hand and pulls me to him for a hug a kiss on the cheek and then we went over to the window . There were six  little ones five boys and one little girl . They all were asleep looking so peaceful and not a care in the world .
Corey stood behind me with his arms wrapped tightly around me I leaned back into him we watched the babies they would squirm every so often. I turned around to face Corey I looked up at him and he looked down at me
"Corey I'm scared and I don't like it I can't lose Liam . It's all because of me " I cried
" Oh Casey it's not your fault " Corey tried to reassure me
" No you don't get it Corey , it was a direct message to me " I said through the tears
" Why do you say that " he asked
" Because Liam and Harry were the ones that found me after I was raped he is sending a message he wants to destroy everything I love starting with the two that rescued me from the street  don't you see he isn't going to stop until he kills everyone or gets me back and I would rather go back to him than see any of my family killed because of that fucking asswipe"

" Your not going anywhere Casey Olivia Adams Anderson you are going with Sang to the safe house even if I have to have Raven tie you to a chair you are going I will not let anyone hurt you or any one in my family if I can keep it from happening " Lilly said from behind us

" You heard her Casey you may not like this but we are only doing this for your safety " Dr Roberts said
" No I don't like it and I am not going " I say as I pull away from Corey . I let go of him and stood next to him glaring at everyone
" Yes you are Casey there is no discussion " Dr Roberts said
" Ha you think there isn't but let me tell you something I know this was a personal message to me and I will not let anyone hurt my family " I started to move away from them closer to the stairway 

I bolted for the stairs and got the door open and was half way down the second flight when I saw Silas. Fuck I turned around and was going to go back up and the other floor and out to the elevator I got to the floor and was opening the door when Dr Green caught my arm
The door behind me opened I tried to pull away but i felt something stick me in the neck I turned to see Dr Roberts
" I'm sorry Casey but you left me no choice "
My eyes closed on their own I felt my legs go out from under me but I never hit the floor
" Sleep Casey Sleep " were the only words I heard

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