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I woke up with an arm across my belly which between the baby and the arm was putting pressure on my bladder I needed to pee bad , so I slipped out of Brandon's arm and went to the bathroom then came back .

Climbing back in I snuggled my ass against Brandon his hand went to my hip held it there and then I felt his hand relax he was asleep still
I wiggled again his hand tighten on my hip
He mumbles something about ass and smacking it
His hand relaxes again

I reach behind me and take his balls in my hand and play for a few moments his cock stirs to life in seconds .I then move to playing with his cock. I love it when we sleep naked it makes for easier access in the mornings. I rolled over to face him kissing his lips lightly then moving down his chest to his pelvis then my lips land in his cock swiping my tongue along the tip

His hands went to my head I keep doing what I was doing to him taking him all the way in my mouth sucking hard
"My Bella you keep at it and I'll explode in your warm wet mouth " Brandon said
"Mmmmm" I mumbled around his cock

He pulls out of my mouth with a pop flips the covers off us pulls me up to him places his knee between my legs nudging them apart then sliding between them and in on movement he was inside me
I gasped as he did feeling my walls tighten around his cock knowing it wouldn't take long for either of us to cum I wrapped my legs around his waist and lifted up a little so he could go even deeper

I played with his nipples as he thrust inside me when I tweaked them he growled then I leaned up enough to take one in my mouth and suck then twirl my tongue around his nipple
He pumped harder when I bit it lightly so I did it again then to the other nipple he hit my gspot and I came screaming his name around his nipple in my mouth he followed me into ecstasy.

We laid in bed for a few minutes catching out breaths before I spoke
" Casey that was so different I didn't know that you doing that to my nipples would be such a turn on " he said
" Hey it works for me why not you and it works more now that my nipples are even more sensitive being that I'm pregnant something about it gives pain and pleasure at the same time " I tell him

We got up for the day he went to his room to get a shower and I went into my closet to find something to wear after digging through it I finally found a pair of leggings but no top
Maybe the guys have a shirt I can wear

I went and took a shower then got half dressed putting on panties  that barely fit , leggings bra that I am falling out off and a tank top
Leaving the room I hit Axels room first since he wears more button up shirts than the rest I raid his closet I find one Hunter Green Plaid Long Sleeve shirt I put it on it's definitely long enough i button it up good it conceals the baby bump I love showing it off at home but when we are out I would rather hide it so that Beanie is protected until I can't hide it .
After dressing I left Axels room and headed to the kitchen for food Beanie wanted to eat so Beanie shall eat .

After Breakfast was done Melissa and the guys left to head back to Savannah and the Boys and I went out clothes shopping not without Picking up Gabe he wanted to make sure I was dressed correctly

Marc went to pick up Gabe while the rest went straight to the mall.
After finding a parking spot we went into the mall Raven held my hand as we walked in . Gabe and Marc met us in the Food Court . Then all of us headed to the different stores to get clothes Gabe has this talent with picking out clothes and accessories and I love it he lets me pick out things too and then he picks things and we make outfits out of them . When we made it to one of the Maternity shops that carry bras , Gabe picked up several different styles and one that is a nursing bra he said that if I was to nurse that I needed a comfortable one and one that was easy to open
" Gabe have you been reading up on this " I asked
" Yeah I have actually all of us have on different things All of us are going to be in Beanies life so we all figured we needed to know how to take care of Beanie " Gabe said as he handed me the bras

I hugged him tight " Oh thank you Gabe that is the sweetest thing and yes all of you will be in Beanies life especially since all of you are going to be God fathers to Beanie and Sang is going to be A God Mother " I tell him
His eyes light up and a full smile graces his face
" Casey it will be an honor to be Beanies God Father " Gabe said
" Well keep it to yourself for now I want to ask all of you at the same time but I knew I needed to tell you " I say

I tried on the bras and god they were more comfortable than the one I was wearing so I asked Gabe if I gave him the money if he could pay for the one I had on so I didn't have take it off he laughed and said sure thing but he left before I gave him the money
A few moments later he said I was good to go
" Gabe I didn't give you the money " I say
" Don't worry Axel got for you " he says
" Oh"

After 3 hours of shopping my feet hurt to the point I got a piggy back ride from Brandon to the Tahoe and once in the Tahoe my shoes were removed and Corey began to rub my feet to which I was in heaven .

" Casey your ankles are the size of Softballs " Corey said
" Yeah they have been swelling like that if I'm on my feet too long " I tell him
" Do you think Dr Hubbard should know "
" It's only Pregnancy related when I sit down with them up it goes down a lot " I tell him
" Well " He said
" How about this text Sean or  Dr Roberts and ask them if they deem I need to go see Dr Hubbard then I will no questions asked " I tell him
That seemed to calm his fears , he texted both of them and asked even sent pictures of my ankles to them

Ten minutes later both Dr Roberts and Dr Green said it's normal that if it continued then when I went for my check up to tell Dr Hubbard but both think it's from walking so much today and when I get home to rest.

Brandon gave me another piggy back ride to the elevator then once we got to our floor Raven scooped me up and carried me to the door and into living room placing me on the couch .

I sat there on the couch watching TV when I felt something crawl across my belly so I lifted my shirt to see if there was anything But there wasn't must me my imagination.
I went back to watching the cooking show and it happened again. What the heck

" Marc "
" Yes Dragonfly "
" Can you come here and see if I have something on my shirt "

He came from the kitchen to me I lifted my shirt up
" It feels like something is crawling on my belly "
" where " he asked
I put my hand on my belly and said " Right here"
That's when I felt it again
My eyes got wide
" What " Marc asked
" put your hand here " I tell him as I move mine
It happened again
"What was " he didn't finish his sentence
" The baby" we both said

" Daddies come here " I yelled
The rest of the guys came in the living room of course they were looking at me like why is your shirt up

" Feel right here " I told them each put a hand in the area
The baby moved again like a little flutter but very strong

" That's Beanie " I said

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ