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Marc drove us to the school parking he came around and opened my door taking my hand and we walked up to the doors holding hands I swiped my badge to let us in . We walked into the office I was greeted with a Smiles from Ava the schools Administrative Assistant and one from Mr Davenport the Schools Principal.
"Miss Adams so good to see you , here to pick up your class list " Mr Davenport asked
" Yes sir I am "
" Here you go " Ava said as she hands me the paper
" Thank you Ava "
" Your stuff for your class room was delivered this morning and has been sent to your room " Ava said
" Dang Gabriel works fast " I said
" Yes he does " Marc replies
" So who is this handsome man you have with you " A voice came from the Doorway behind us
I knew who it was before I even turned around I don't have the energy to deal with her today
"Casey are you gonna answer me "
" Nope , besides he wouldn't want any thing to do with you " I replied as nicely as I could .
" Why you "
"Ms Dailey , I suggest you not finish that sentence and leave Ms Adams alone I will not have you starting Trouble already " Mr Davenport said almost as much Steele as Mr Blackbourne but Mr Blackbourne has him beat by a mile .
Marc tightened his hold on my hand as he wraps his other around my shoulder then smiles as says  " I am Casey's Boyfriend Marc "
" Boyfriend damn Casey you actually got a Boyfriend that's hard to believe unless your gay and playing it off as you two are dating to  save face for her " Lisa Dailey said
Marc let go of my hand and stalked over to her
He reached out took her hand to which Lisa smiled
" listen and listen well that is my girlfriend the love of my life you are talking about , I think if you know what's best for you, You will leave her alone " Marc said with so much anger in his voice I even shivered .
Lisa looked like a deer caught in headlights it was quite comical to see .
She huffed and walked out .
Marc then turned to Mr Davenport " You listen up too I will not have her being Harassed by that thing you understand me "
" Kitten what is Marc talking about "
" Raven " I said in surprise when I looked over at the door there stood Raven looking mighty delicious in those jeans and T-shirt, Down Casey Down
" Da Kitten "
" Just Dealing with someone that wants to bother Casey " Marc said
" Who I will take care of " Raven said angrily
" Easy Raven it's okay I'm fine I don't think she will bother me any more " I told him as I walked over to him reaching out for a hug to which he gladly gave me

" Mr Davenport will make sure of it won't you " Marc said
" Yes Sir I will " Mr Davenport said then he said " Bubblegum "
" Disco Ball " Marc replied
" We need to talk " Mr Davenport said as he pointed to his office

Ten minutes later Mr Davenport was all caught up on the issue at hand he is an academy member the school a few years ago was having issues and they sent him in along with I found out two other teachers and a Cafeteria worker were all four apart of a team that decided to stay on and help the school but now will be informed of my issue and be another set of eyes at school cameras are already set up through out the school and there will be on in my room now installed before school starts .
This helps the guys a lot they were worried about me going back to school but now it's a little less worrisome. I took both Raven and Marc to my room to see all what Gabriel bought

Once at the room I see about 10 boxes in my room not to mention the new cubby for the kids to put their backpacks and jackets .
" One of you have a Pocket knife " I asked
Raven handed me his
I opened one box , inside it had crayons , glue sticks of different sizes , colored papers , and little safety scissors . That was just one box I could only imagine what was in the others
" Looks like Gabe had a little fun with all this " Marc chuckled
" I would say so " I had to laugh
I checked out my list of students it was an even amount of boys to girls 12 /12 . Since I had Marc and Raven got them to help move the boxes and open them to see what was in them all then divide them out to different areas of the room .
" Marc do you think a little Reading corner over here by the window would be good with maybe two or three beanbag chairs " I asked
" Yes it would They would have natural light to read by "
" Okay we can go today and pick out them and I'll bring them back next week when I set up my room " I told them

We ended up putting the tables and chairs in a two circles and moving my desk to the back of the class and put a small table up front for when I am up there I have things within reach .

Leaving the School I was now tired but I needed to pick out the beanbag chairs but Marc suggested I just order on line I would find a larger selection so I agreed .
We ended up at the grocery store since all they brought was enough food to make chicken salad and the chips so since we were having movie night I grabbed some steaks , potatoes, things to make a salad , breakfast items, a whole cart full of food we made our way to the checkout. I paid for the food despite Marc's protest . From the look he was giving me I knew I was in trouble but I didn't care .
We made it back to my place , Brandon , Corey , and Raven were outside when we pulled up they helped us take the bags in. I shooed them out of the kitchen to get the steaks marinading , the salad made up minus the tomatoes I would add them later . I got the Potatoes ready to cook in the oven to roast them .

I was in the middle of cleaning up my mess when two arms came around me
" Axel "
"Yes my love "  he says as he nibbles my neck
I turned around in his arms and faced him
" I do remember someone telling me to wait until we got more sleep and I have so what do you say we go upstairs and get to know each other really well " I say as I kiss and suck on his neck leaving a small hickey.
" My Lil Mouse are you suggesting we "
" Oh I'm not suggesting I'm telling " I say with a smile . I took his hand and pulled him upstairs to my room .

I noticed the sheets were changed then I noticed it wasn't the same bed Damn Gabriel , that man has earn himself a dessert of his choice .
" What do you say we christen this bed " I say as I unbutton his jeans .
" That sounds like a fabulous Idea "
I undress him taking my time to torture him a little . I start with with his jeans, I had already unbutton them I slide the zipper down then hook my fingers in his belt loops sliding them down leaving his boxers on.
" Step out "I told him .  He does as he is told .
I then stand back up straight lift his shirt slowly up making my knuckles move across his bare chest as I raise the shirt off.

Tossing his shirt to the floor I rake my fingers gently across his chest twirling the tips of fingers on his nipples causing them to become erect . My lips make connect with one sucking on it I hear him moan in Pleasure.  My hands move to his boxers sliding in between the band and his body I find his cock .
Grasping it then moving my hand up and down feeling his velvety hard veiny cock . His lips met mine , sucking my bottom lip to get me to open my mouth I do so his tongue darts in sliding across mine .
Sliding my hand a little farther down I massages his balls . I keep rotating what I am doing teasing him more and more .

Axle pulls away from me
" You are overdressed"he says
" Mmm I am you might need to do something about that "
" Oh I plan on it " he replied

My shirt was removed in one pull , my pants and panties pulled off in a second . My bra was the last to go and that was thrown across the room.
" On the bed legs apart don't say anything unless asked directly and always remember your safe words "
I go to the bed crawl on the bed shaking my ass at him .
" Such a Tease Lil Mouse, I guess I need to Spank you "
His hand lands on my ass with a smack
Fuck I thought
His fingers slide across my ass crack then down to my pussy sliding into my core
"So wet for me already you must love to be spanked , Don't you Lil Mouse you may answer "
" Yes sir I do "
He raised my hips up and spread my legs apart settling in between them I felt his cock rub up and down my ass crack . He dipped a little farther sliding it into my wetness but not inside me .
" Lil Mouse I'm going to fuck You then I will make love to you "
His fingers slid in working their magic on me I was bucking against his hand and fingers. He then replaced his fingers with his cock sliding in filing me stretching me
" It feels like a glove on my cock Lil Mouse so tight so wet " he says
Moving slowly then increasing his rhythm slamming in and out our body's slapping each other . He pulls my hair gently then a little harder .
He pulls out grabs my hips flips me under him I wrapped my legs around him pulling him to me
His cock is at my entrance, he then takes unhooks my legs bringing them forward lifting me up more resting my legs on his shoulders and chest. Making him go deeper inside
"Fuck me " I yell as he slams me again
With in four thrust I start to feel my orgasm grow
"Axel I need to cum please " I plead with him
His finger finds my clit flicking it
" Cum Casey Cum "
I did at the same time he did spilling his seed inside me .

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now