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They all were standing at this point Brandon made his way to me he brushed my hair out of my face lifted it to meet his
" My Bella something is wrong please tell us so we can fix it " His voice cracks with emotion
" You really want to know "
" Yes " they all say
" Fine I'm scared out of my mind Aleksandr got too close today I'm scared that once this over you all will walk away from me that you all won't love me anymore that I'm just like he said I'm damaged goods that no one will love me because of it " I say tears are falling down my face his thumb wipes away a tear.
His lips met mine for a moment then he rested his forehead on mine
" Casey I can speak for the five of us We aren't going anywhere We all love you "
" Da Kitten I love you my Little Kitten "
" That's Right Barenjunges I love you too "
" Dragonfly of course I love you "
" Lil Mouse I know the past couple of hours have been rough on you and that your fears are creeping in but Don't Ever Doubt my , Our love for you Casey you have brought so much light and love to us "
" Thank you Guys I love you all too and Yes my fears are creeping in and I'm trying my damnest to keep them away "
" It's okay We will help " Brandon said as he pulled me into a hug
I could just melt into his arms or his brothers .
" Come on We have lots to talk about " Brandon said he took my hand and we went into the living room .

I let go of Brandon's hand so I could sit down in the recliner it looked so comfy I sat down but not for long , Axel stood in front of me and said
" Up Lil Mouse "
I got up Axel sat down then pulled me into his lap .

" Okay the first thing we want to discuss is Kayli , She was someone that we cared about she wanted to be with all of us but in reality she only wanted to be with Brandon , She tried to play each of us against each other several times it got progressively worse towards the end . We had a family meeting one night to discuss what was going on with her when Corey came across a video that she had done in it she professed her love for only Brandon she was just with rest of because we had told her that it was all or nothing that we wanted one Bird for all of us . " Marc said

" Let me add in none of us had Sex with her at any point in our relationship we didn't feel the connection or the need with her " Corey said
" So you never with her " I asked
" No we never did " Marc answered me
" It's different with you Casey when we first saw you the connection was immediately and so strong the first night you stayed I wanted to crawl in bed with you and keep you safe " Brandon said honestly
I smiled a huge smile
" You keep this up I'm gonna be in tears " I said as I wiped the one that was falling away .
Axel squeezed me " Lil Mouse you are ours "
" And you are all mine " I replied

" Okay now that part is out of the way We have reason to believe that she is the one that set fire to the apartment wanting to scare you ." Axel said
" well then I guess she really wanted me out of the way " I say
" Yes but she didn't succeed and again at any point you want us to go after her we will " Marc said
" No not right now Aleksandr is more important than her " I replied
"Okay that's the next thing we need to discuss " Brandon said
" We have been talking to all that is involved in this mission we have all come to the conclusion that We need to bait him into coming out " Axel says . Raven growls .
I wiggle out of of Axels lap but not before I kiss him I go over to Raven moved his leg and climbed into his lap kiss his cheek . He nuzzled my neck to soothe himself and me .
" Now I want to be the bait " I say
That earns me a huge growl from Raven and several Hell no's from the others .
" Listen I know you don't want me to be but i have an idea and it can all be in done in a controlled environment " I try to explain
There still were a few no's but Axel gave that look and they all stopped
" Okay Casey tell us your idea "
" I will , I know that Aleksandr loves to party that's one of the reasons he was at the bar that night , he was celebrating something I .... Hold on a second where did my journals go "
" They are in my room " Axel said
" Go get them I just want to verify something that just popped in my head again "

A few minutes later the journals were in my lap and I grabbed one flipped through it and found what I was look now
" okay shortly after the incident I would have nightmares and Lilly told me one night after one of them that I should keep a journal of them to help me process it all since I didn't remember all of it but I never passed out Dr Roberts seems to think I am suppressing them and that writing down the dreams it will help put the pieces together. I wrote this part after one night "
I handed it to Axel
He read over it then handed it to Corey who read it then grabbed his computer and started typing away.

The journal said :
I was being carried from side of the bar then being placed in a car . Aleksandr got in beside me he told his driver to go to a location called Red Warehouses , I was in and out of consciousness he had one of his goons pull me out of the car and carry me in I landed hard on a bed I went to move off it and that's when my arms were pulled two goons held my arms down Aleksandr ripped my skirt up cut my panties off me I tried to kick him but that earned me a slap and punch to the face . He Said Don't ruin the birthday celebration for me even though it's not my birthday he said with a laugh

His hands groped my body , he forced his finger inside me then he forces himself inside me I screamed in pain and in fear as he did . He kept saying I love it when you scream for me . He finished up  I was tied to the bed by the goons who I begged for them to let me go .
When they left the room it was quite I could hear my heartbeat beating so fast then I could hear what sounded like water lapping up against the shore line . I laid there listening to the sounds of men talking one guy was directing others telling them to move this here take this there , make sure you count it before you deliver it . I heard clanking noises then the familiar sound of shot gun being prepped and Someone saying these will do nicely .

Aleksandr came back into the room what seemed like a few minutes but I knew it had been hours he gave me that look again and said Oh Casey I love hearing you scream , he stripped of his clothes again he forces himself  on me again but this time I don't scream I just lay there . He leaves again then comes back again he rapes me . Aleksandr leaves then his goons come back throws my clothes at me tells me that once they untie me I am go get dressed and then sit back on the bed . I do as I am told .

The one Goon takes me out of the room but before we get to far Aleksandr comes up and Says he enjoyed his night with me maybe we could do this again then he slaps me then before he punches me I see the door open and when it does I see a sign that says Marley Marina .
End of Journal

I didn't notice that the journal was passed around I was too lost in my own thoughts until Raven lifted my face to his
" Kitten you are one strong woman and once we catch him you can have the honor of the first hit or what ever you want to do to him but I get to end him "
" Deal Raven " I say
" Alright we got a hit on the Marina it's located an hour away from what I can tell it's been suspected that there are guns and drugs being brought in and out of there it wasn't a warehouse like downtown it's a warehouse for boats People put their boats in there for storage during hurricanes or because they don't want them out in the elements when not in use " Corey said
" And get this it's painted Red " Cory said as he turned the computer around to show us .
I got chills when I saw it my mind started going back to that time I tensed up about to bolt
" Kitten easy breathe it's okay you aren't there Kitten you are with me and my brothers " Raven said softly as he rubs my arms

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ