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I was whisked away to the Labor and Delivery floor for precaution when I arrived at the Hospital,they stuck me and drew blood so many times I was beginning to feel like they were vampires.

Two Hours later Dr Hubbard came in with the test results
" Looks like he gave you some type of muscle relaxer it was only going to impair you for a short time leaving no lasting effects, I do want to keep you for a couple more hours then I will release you to your guys " Dr Hubbard said
" That's good to hear , How are the babies " I asked
" Well let's see " Dr Hubbard said as the ultrasound equipment is rolled in

A few minutes later Sang, Dr Roberts and I see the babies they look so peaceful,
We then got to see Sang's little nugget too and we got a surprise when Dr Hubbard saw another sac
" Twins " Both Sang and I said at the same time
" Yes Sang there is another little one hiding behind the first one ,What is it with babies hiding " Dr Hubbard said with a laugh
" OH MY GOD SANG TWINS " I yelled and laughed at the same time
Sang sat there for a moment and then laughed
" You know Gabe said he thought I was having twins because my belly popped Already " she said with a smile

" Dr Roberts are the guys coming " I asked
" Yes I just got a text saying they will be here in about 15 min or so and they are bringing clothes for both of you , all of them will be " Dr Roberts said

In about 15 minutes the doors to the room that Sang and I were in flys open and in walks Axel first his eyes land on me his eyes light up then the smile goes on his face
" Dr Roberts is everyone okay " Axel asked as everyone filed in
" Yes all seven of them are great " he said with a smirk
Sang and I giggled watching them all try to figure that out
" Wait you said 7 right " Kota asked
" Yes I did " Dr Roberts said
" There is only two people plus three babies for Casey and One for Sang that's six " Kota answered
" Well it seems that Our Family is going be growing by two instead of one " Sang said with a huge smile
There was a round of holy cow , what the , and a one I told you from Gabe to which I laughed .

" So before we get to far is the problem taken care of " I asked
" Da Kitten It has been just like you asked " Raven said
I didn't hold the tears of relief in I let them out
" Kitten don't cry please Kitten " Raven said as he literally picked me up out of the bed and sat down on the bed with me in his arms
" Oh Raven it's finally over I'm so relieved these are happy tears " I sniffled out
" Besides Sang is having twins too " I added

" Oh My Bella I'm so glad this is over for you , You will never have to worry about Aleksandr ever again " Brandon said
" Good , Now Do you think that I could go back to work at the school now I miss my kids"I say
" No not this school year Casey I still want you to rest Once you have the babies and the next school year starts you if you want can go back go school " Dr Hubbard said
" I don't know then I would kinda like to stay home with them if I can then maybe when they go to preschool I'll go back unless I end up pregnant again " I say
" Hmmm i think we can work something out " Axel said with a laugh

I was released three hours later with Sang and headed home to get some sleep it was now 6am and I'm tired as fuck but I'm grateful for the men I love they have taken care of the thorn in my side and now I can live my life even more .

The weeks went by and it was time for the Gala that Gabe had to dress two pregnant women he needed a metal for dealing with both Sang and I.
The dress he picked out for me was a beautiful burgundy wrap dress it was rather comfortable it didn't squish the babies or me it hugged me in all the right places .
The guys all wore tuxedos and look handsome as hell .

We arrived at the Gala pictures were taken when we arrived .
Entering the room I saw some of the same people that were there to help rescue me I went up to each one and thanked them for all that they did
The Captain of the Henderson Team Hunter said he would do it all over again he knows what it is like to want the one he loves safe , He also Congratulated me on the impending arrival of the baby and when I told him it was three babies Twins and A Single he laughed and said Leave it to the Toma team to do something like that
After my conversation with him I went to find one of my men to dance with .

I walked up behind Marc who was talking to another female that I didn't recognize she was flirting really hard with him . I lightly tapped him on his Arm his attention turned to me and a smile came across his face he leaned in and kissed me on the lips .
" Dragonfly aren't you supposed to be sitting "
" Yes but I wanted to come get a dance with you " I say pouting
" Oh No you don't put that lip back in and of Course I will dance with you my love "

We left the woman standing there she had her mouth open as we went out on the Dance floor
" Who was that " I asked
" No one you need to be concerned with but her name is Jessica , she had a thing for Brandon but Brandon told her a long time he had no interest in her at all " he said as he twirled me around the floor .

I began to sing the lyrics to the song that was playing

I know I'm only human
Don't know how many sunsets I got left
And I don't wanna ruin
This moment by wondering what comes next
I just want to love you
Like it's all I'm living for
Hold you close, enjoy you more
And spend a little less time keeping score

Marc pulled me even closer to him and whispered
" I love you Casey Olivia Adams soon to be Casey Adams Weiland Toma "
" I love you too Marc Weiland "

" May We interrupt this dance " a voice came from behind me and by the look on Marc's face he didn't mind so I turned around to See Axel, Brandon , Raven and Corey

" Why yes you all can " I say with a giggle .

By the end of the night I had danced with all of my guys and the Blackbourne Team too my feet were killing me luckily Raven carried me out and when we got in the Tahoe Corey took my shoes off and rubbed my feet I was in heaven

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora