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I left with Mr Blackbourne and Sean we headed to their place. As I rode in the back even though Sean offered the front seat for me . I had been immersed in working on my agenda for school when I heard Sean say " Casey we have to make a quick detour "
" Okay where too "
" Picking up a package that Gabriel ordered for Sang "
" Okay " I went back to planning .
The car stopped
" You Coming " Sean asked me
" Sure why not "
We got out of the car and headed into the little shop . I found myself wandering the shop looking at all the different and unique things . I saw a pair of Dragonfly earrings that were so cute but too much for my pockets they had diamonds in each corner of the wings and pink sapphires down the body  I thought of Marc when I saw them.
" I see you like the Earrings" the Sales Person asked
" Yes they are beautiful they reminds me of my boyfriend "
" How So " The Sales Person Asked
" He calls me Dragonfly " I said with a huge smile .
" Casey "
" Yes Sean "
"What are looking at "
"Nothing " I said back to him
Sean looked at the Salesperson and then back at me.
" Okay well Owen is out in the car so "
" Alright " I left Sean standing there .

About 5 minutes later Sean came out and got in to the car . Mr Blackbourne backed the car up and we left for the house .
When we pulled up to the house I saw Kota outside with Max.
Getting out Max ran over to me and jumped on me making me laugh of course Kota wasn't happy.
"Max Down "
" It's okay Kota this loveable thing can love on me all he wants too " I say as I scratch Max's Ears .
We went inside Max followed along  with us .
I barely made it in the door before I was attacked in a hug by Sang .
Giggling because she is just so darn adorable.
" Pookie do I have to give you the Giggle cure " Sean said with a semi serious face
" Oh Sang I don't know about that the last time this happened Brandon wanted to give me the cute Well he did . " I said with a smile
" See Pookie she likes the cure " Sean said as he walks closer to Sang who had this look on her face like she really wanted that cure so me being me I made her laugh .
And Sean gave her the cure .

Sang and I headed to the kitchen to talk since the Blackbourne Team was through out the house and she wanted us to be somewhat alone .
Sitting at the island we talked about the events yesterday. Then we decided to cook.
I made my spaghetti sauce while Sang and North ran to the store to get noodles and French bread . When she came back We worked on Dessert while the sauce cooked
North and Luke came in to help we made the no bake eclair cake and I cut up the strawberries for the pound cake that I brought with me so we could put them on top .
By this time the sauce was ready to make lasagna. When I went to assemble the lasagna Luke wanted to help since he loves my lasagna.
So the two of us put together four pans of lasagna together.
We would only need two for all of us to eat so the other two were to be frozen for another night . We put the two that were going to cook in the refrigerator until time to cook . The No Bake Eclair Cake was done and put in the fridge too . North and Luke said they would clean up the rest for us to go chill out .

So we Went up to Sangs room to talk
" So how are things between you and Toma Team "
" Good, they have been dealing with a lot lately with all my issues I would like to do something nice for them but I can't be left alone to go shopping " I told her
" Shopping , I think we can do that Meanie and Kota can come with us " Sang suggested as she went to the door
" It's okay I can't afford it anyway Sang I have to keep on my budget with all of them at the house my electric bill is gonna be high and not to mention the food " I said
" Why Don't you tell them they will be glad to help out " Sang replies
" They already do enough, I'll just tutor some students for extra money "
" Casey "
" What I have done it before " I tell her
" When are you going to get it through your head Those Boys would do anything to help you so just ask them "
" Sang it's not that easy I don't want to feel like a charity case "

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Where stories live. Discover now