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Corey's POV
I watched Casey take off to the stairs trying to get away from Us . I followed down the steps behind Sean I could see her two floors below stop because of Silas she then turns and made a run for the other floor door when she went for it Sean grabbed her arm then door opens and I see Dr Roberts stick her in the neck she goes limp immediately Sean catches her before she hits the floor .
I take over and carry her down the steps around to the back elevator when I reach the main floor North and Silas were ready I deposited her in the van buckled her up kissed her head told her I loved her and sent them off
I knew what she would be pissed at us but as Dr Roberts said it's for her own good
End of POV

I woke up several hours later in a pretty comfortable bed I knew I wasn't home that I was in the Safe House Damn You Dr Roberts i slipped out of the bed and went to the door and slowly opened it I heard voices so I followed them down the hallway down the steps and found the bodies that went with the voices in the Kitchen
" Well look who is finally up " Melissa said with a smile
" Casey I know your mad it's written across your face , But they did it for your own good " Sang said
" Look I don't want to talk about it can I have my iron pill and some water please " I asked some What nicely
" Sure thing" Melissa says
I get my pill and a glass of water drink it and leave and go back to the room I was in without saying another word .

I climbed back in bed. I didn't want to talk to anyone I needed time to process all of this.
I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and looked at it , there were several texts from the guys all saying they were so sorry about the way everything was handled but it's for my own good . I tossed my phone on the bed and groaned why did things have to be so complicated and it's getting worse day by day .
Tossing the covers off me I went to the bathroom and stripped down filled the tub with hot water I climbed in and tried to relax . I was in the tub for awhile I was starting to prune so I got out and when I went to wrap the towel around me I saw the bruise from the needle on my neck. Getting dressed in a pair of Axels boxers and Marc's shirt I noticed that my bag was packed by Gabriel he is the only one I know that can pack a bag in less than twenty minutes and have everything you need in the bag .
When I pulled the shirt out I saw a note

Casey Boo
Listen I know you are pissed off at the moment but look at if from a different point of view all they want to do is keep you safe they love you and besides you get to hang out with Sang and Melissa for a few days
Love ya little sister

Awe it made me smile a little. I still was upset for one I wouldn't be there when Liam and Harry woke up .
Feeling a little more friendlier I went back down to find Sang and Melissa.
I found them in the kitchen still they were both cooking it smelled delicious
" Listen I'm sorry about earlier " I say to them they both stop what they are doing and slowly turned around
Next thing I know I'm being hugged to death by both of them .
" it's okay Casey we love you anyway " Sang said with a giggle
" Oh I love ya both too " I say with a laugh .
"Alright dinner is ready so let's eat and gossip and then find a movie to watch " Melissa Suggested
So that's what we did it was very therapeutic they both helped me realize that they are only trying to protect me but I still could give them hell about it later but for now let go of the angry it wasn't going to do me any good .

We had just started the second movie when the front door swings wide open. All of us jump off the couch we didn't know who it was
Until they rounded the corner it was North, Silas and Nathan all three had duffle bags with them .
" So I guess we have more sleepover guest " I said with a giggle
Those three weren't amused by my joke
" Oh come on it's not like we are going to make you get a mani / pedi done or do your make up " I said laughing , Sang giggled so did Melissa
The three of them just scowled
" Okay well look at this way the three of you get to spend time with Sang " now that brought a little smile to their faces
" Damn I'm out I can't get a chuckle or nothing out of them and I am the one that should be pissed not them " I say trying to keep my giggles under wraps I walked by them to go upstairs
" Casey you don't have to leave " Nathan stated
" Yeah I do I'm trying not to let what happen get to me get me upset again so it's best I go up" I say
" If it's worth anything I am sorry " North said
" North it's not your the Fault it's all mine " I say as I continue up the steps

I made it to my temporary bedroom and closed the door took several deep breaths then laid down on the bed . The night was fun until the Those three arrived and it's really not their fault my attitude changed guess I'm a lot angrier than I thought. I slip under the covers and close my eyes . Willing my mind to shut down so I can sleep. I heard footsteps coming down the hallway they were light and heavy so I knew there were two people Sang and maybe North or Silas. I knew it wasn't Nathan he had lighter footsteps.
One stopped at my door I heard the knob turned and the door creak then close
" She is asleep "
Sang I guess she is checking up on me

I finally fall asleep after the whole house goes silent which is after midnight.

" You will be mine , You can try and hide but I will find you . I want to hear you scream for me Casey "
I wake up screaming he invaded my dreams again the bedroom door flys open and Nathan is the first in the room , Sang, Silas , North and Melissa follow
I curl up in a ball crying I feel the bed dip down and hand touch my shoulder
I jerk away
" Casey it's okay he's not here it's just us " Sang says softly
" I'm sorry I diddddnt mean to wake you up " I say
" It's okay Casey "
" I want my guys " I cry out
" I know you do Casey , How about I sleep with you tonight " Sang offered
" No I'll be alright in a few just go back to bed "
" You sure " Melissa asked
" Yes please just go " I answer
" Alright we will but the offer stands " Sang says
They leave the room shutting off the light and closing the door .

I lay in bed staring at the ceiling. Getting tired of that I get up and go downstairs it's 3 am so I decided to watch TV hoping it would cause me to fall asleep again .
Slowly drifting off to sleep i move to lay down on the couch instead of sitting up I get the pillow right and lay down the darkness crept in and over took .

I felt someone picking me up off the couch it wasn't until I was firmly in their arms that I knew it was Nathan
" I'm gonna take her up to her room hopefully she will sleep longer " Nathan said
" Yeah She needs it after all she has been through lately " Silas said
I was carried upstairs placed in the bed and Nathan kissed my forehead " Sleep well my little Sis "
He closed the door as he left and I fell back to sleep

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