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I spent the next two days in the hospital I went in for preterm labor find out I'm having triplets a girl and two boys then when I was going to be released yesterday I passed out from my blood pressure going sky high I also ended up with a 15 stitches across my forehead right at the hairline from cracking my head on the counter in the bathroom that's where I was found by the Nurse who when I woke up was getting yelled at by Sean who had stopped by to see if I was going to be released.

Sean kicked the Nurse out and told her not to come back in the room she was removed from taking care of me by Sean
Once Sean got me standing and back to the bed he cleaned up my head then had to step out to get the stuff to Stitch my head and when he came back in with Dr Oliver , Hubbard, Roberts and Axel who wasn't very happy to see my head busted open

" Where was the Nurse " Axel Growled out
" I don't know but Casey was on the floor passed out with her head busted open " Sean answered him
"Do you remember anything " Dr Oliver asked me
"I remember seeing someone out of the corner of my eye then I heard Speaking and I swear it sounded like Russian then I woke up on the floor " I answer

No one spoke for a minute then Sean set about stitching my head back up then applied some numbing medicine on it that would keep it numb for a couple of hours they didn't want to give me pain medicine until they figured out why I passed out

Which Two hours later my blood pressure spiked again setting off alarms and making the Nurses and Doctor on the floor run in I was then diagnosed with a Mild Case of Preeclampsia but if I took it easy and rested I should be fine but if it went up again I was to be put on complete bed rest until the babies were born .

Later on I asked Sean if they checked the video feed for the room yet  and I was told they did and the Nurse that was in the room with me wasn't a hospital employee seems she was sent by Aleksandr that I passed out because she drugged me but it didn't hurt the babies it basically was a sleeping aid she didn't think about the fact someone would be checking on me and when Sean walked in she freaked out

Needless to say I wasn't left alone in the hospital some one was always with me either the guys or The Blackbourne Team or any Academy member that worked at the hospital they weren't taking any chances.

I also found out that She was taken care off and sent back to Aleksandr with a message from Raven , I didn't even ask I knew that Raven was furious that in away Aleksandr got too close to me and his babies and that sent him over the edge for a few hours
Luckily Corey and Axel talked him down from wanting to go and find Aleksandr and kill him

Leaving the Hospital three days later was fantastic Marc rolled me out in the wheelchair to the Yukon . Brandon was in the Drivers Seat waiting on us . I was picked up and put in the backseat buckled up and kissed
Marc hopped in the passenger seat and we left
Raven, Axel and Corey were out running errands and they would meet us back at the apartment was what I was told.

Once we arrived at the apartment complex I was helped out of the Yukon I noticed the Tahoe was there so I was hoping the others were here
There was a wheelchair brought over to me I was told to get in
Brandon pushes me to the elevator and we went up to the apartment

As Branson pushed me into the apartment I was met with a delicious smell of food real food
I then heard a voice in the kitchen instructing someone
" Take the Rolls out of the Oven and put on the island to Cool"
" Uncle " I said
" Yes Casey glad you and Beanie  , Jackson and Greyson could make it " he said with a smile as he helped me stand to hug me
" Me too Uncle" I say back to him
" Well you go have a seat and chill out Dinner will be ready in 10 min or so " Uncle said
" Thank you so much Uncle for cooking for us we all appreciate it " I say to him

" You are so welcome sweetie and just so you know for the next what add least 10 weeks or more There will be dinner delivery every other night from the Diner to feed you , the babies and the boys "

" Uncle you don't have to do that I'm allowed to get up I just can't stand for too long " I tell him I got that look too the one that says Don't you dare argue with me young lady
I quickly put up my hands and said " I give I give " Uncle chuckled at me

" Hey Gabe I'm gonna need more clothes since I have been put on a increase food diet I have to increase my intake for the babies now and I have a feeling after a week or two I'm not going to be able to see my feet or anything " I tell him

" Don't worry My Sweet Casey I have already started I have to go this week for Sang so I'll just get you some more I know that we all have the Academy Dance to go to So that is the only thing I have to buy a fancy dress for you rest I'm gonna go with comfy ones " he says

" Oh yes the  Dance that's in what four weeks so I would be around 28 to 29 weeks along " I say

Gabe and I talked a little more before Uncle needed him in the kitchen and I needed to pee I went with the help of Brandon he walked with me and once I was done picked me up and carried me back to the couch in the living room

Getting comfortable I fell asleep listening to the sound of Family it's a wonderful sound even if it's a bit noisy

Hmmm this couch is really comfortable wait I'm not on the couch I'm in ... I took a deep breath ... Brandon's bed
Wait .... I hear light breathing
I roll over to face the middle of the bed and see my sweet Brandon asleep his hair was everywhere he had scruffy facial hair like he hasn't shaved in a few days mmmm I kinda like makes him even more handsome if that's possible.

I run my finger along his jaw line from his ear to his chin then back to his ear then down his neck to his collarbone to his bare chest my hand was caught when I crossed his stomach

" My Bella you need to rest " he said sleepily
" What if I don't want to rest " I say as I slip my hand down his chest under his waist band of his jeans and boxers
" My Bella " He says
I slide my hand farther and I graze what I am going for damn he's not even fully hard and it's big
Brandon growls slightly

Healing in the Arms of The Toma Team    ( Completed )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum