Chapter 37: Day-To-Day

Start from the beginning

"How about kimchi fried rice? Or a simple version I guess." You stepped forward and grabbed the small sack of rice and a box of canned kimchi.

"That will work." Jin agreed with ease and soon the two of you got to work with preparing tonight's dinner. You had forgotten the last time you ate a decent meal. Bangtan did remember to not let you starve but it was all take away. They were active for most of the days you have been with them so they didn't have time to cook a proper meal. Tonight wasn't going to be the most nutritious meal but it was something.

You diced the onions, kimchi and canned spam before moving next to Jin to add the ingredients into the pan for him to fry. The atmosphere in the kitchen had been silent as the two of you seemed too engrossed in cooking to initiate conversation.

"(Y/n)?" Jin called while you placed the chopping board into the sink. You hummed in reply. "How are you and you know who?"

You wanted to chuckle at the way he addressed who you presumed to be Yoongi but you reframed as you were quite surprised at his straightforward question. Jin always seemed to look out for the members, you noticed how he was always cautious and keeping them in check alongside Namjoon. It seemed he wanted to comfort you and make sure Yoongi was behaving when during the group meeting half an hour ago. So it made sense that he was checking up on the two of you or Yoongi to be exact.

"You mean Voldemort?" You wanted to make a joke because the silence you gave afterwards was quite awkward and you wanted to ease it.

"Very funny. That's meant to be my line." He chuckled.

At least you attempt worked

"I'm being serious (y/n)."

"It's good." You simply replied. You felt weird talking to Jin about it. You knew he was only looking out for the two of you but it felt odd. You could usually tell Soomi this stuff and now you will probably never see her again, it was always a thought that dwelled at the back of your mind.

"I can see you two aren't really at each other's throats anymore," Jin added before the sound of sizzling erupted from the pan.

"I think we sorted out our differences." You sent the elder a smile before joining his side at the stove.

"That's good to hear." He nodded back in a pleased manner. "I had a feeling you two would sort it out."

"How?" You let slip out mindlessly.

"No eggs this time I guess." You hear him mumble to himself whilst turning to face you. "Yoongi may sound like an immature child with temper management issues but he is an adult. He likes to jump to conclusions too fast but realises his mistakes afterwards. That's just him."

"You know the living room is right in front of the kitchen right?" The two of you turned back to eye the grey-haired male looking at them.

"I'm only speaking the truth." Jin shrugged after returning to tend to his fried rice. The grey-haired male only rolled his eyes and returned to what he was doing.

"I hope he apologised because if he didn't. I will Avada Kedavra his ass."

"Hahaha. Yeah, he did apologise." Steam begins to pour out from the rice pot so you swiftly grab the handle and added the rice to Jin's pan.

"Don't make promises you can't keep Jin." A voice yelled from the living room, triggering Jin to run into the living room.

"(Y/n) can you finish off the dish?" Jin walked back into the kitchen, his haired dishevelled. "I need to do something." You eyed him as he opened a drawer, grabbing out a pair of chopsticks and making his way into the living room.


Hey loves, I am soo sorry this chapter is so late

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Hey loves, I am soo sorry this chapter is so late. 

I went out Christmas shopping with my mother and little sister today and nearly fell asleep. I had 4 hour training yesterday so my muscles where sooo sore when walking around today and when I came home I literally crashed onto my bed.  But on the positive side, we nearly got all our christmas shopping done WHOOP :)

Speaking in which, how you all going with Christmas shopping? Only a little more then a week left until the 25!!

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