chapter one - youngblood 🌹

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"Luke please just let me end this! We're done! For the millionth time, it's over."

Sophie screamed at Luke; it seemed like all they did nowadays was fight. Their relationship an endless game of on again off again- although Sophie was determined to make this the last goodbye. It was eating her alive, and she was horribly afraid if she tried to stay there wouldn't be anything left of her. The joy had been slowly strained out of their relationship. The more they went on, the worse it got.


Luke's efforts of reasoning with her were cut off before he could even finish a sentence.

"Luke, no. Can we please just end this? I can't fight with you right now."

The short girl brought her voice down to a softer tone after taking a serious look at him. The bags under his eyes were crazy - anyone was able to tell he hadn't slept in weeks. His usually sparkly blue eyes were dull and full of sadness. His curly blonde hair messy, he had been running his hands through it. He looked like a dead man crawling.

"Look Luke it wasn't anything either of us did, we just can't do this anymore. I feel like we don't love each other as much anymore. All this on again off again has ruined our relationship. There's just no point in holding on anymore; we need to both go our own ways. I'm sorry if this hurts you, Luke, it hurts me too, but I hope you know it will hurt both of us more to keep trying".

That was it for Luke; he was filled with every awful emotion known to humanity. He didn't know if he should scream or cry.

"I'll surrender my everything for you. I thought  you were mine." The tears lined his eyes threatening to fall.

The love of his life had just admitted to not loving him, and nothing could hurt him more. It felt like he had his heart ripped right out of his chest.

"You're pushing and pushing for this to work can't you see I'm pulling away?" Sophie was exhausted, and her voice gave it away.

Luke was determined to make it work with her even though at this point he knew it would have been easier just to give up.

"You say you want me out of your life, but you need it. You need us."

"We're just young blood, Luke. This hurts me just as bad as it hurts you, but we will be better apart than we ever we're together." and with that Sophie was out the door and she left her heart behind.

At home, Sophie had to chug down a ridiculous about of gin to try to suffice the pain she was feeling

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At home, Sophie had to chug down a ridiculous about of gin to try to suffice the pain she was feeling.

After she was far too drunk to think coherently, she made the stupid decision to call Luke. He had declined each call, until what seemed like the hundredth time when he made the shaky decision to answer.

Lately, all their conversations ended like it was the last goodbye until one of them got too drunk and called about a hundred times.

Over a brief phone cal,l Sophie had begged for him back before he apologized and abruptly ended the call. He knew she was drunk and it wouldn't be anything more than a night with a temporary fix before she tore him apart again.

They were a habit neither of them could kick no matter how bad both of them knew they had too. It was a nasty addiction that would always lead them right back to each other.

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YOUNGBLOOD {Luke Hemmings}Where stories live. Discover now