Father Knows Best

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I looked up from my computer and made eye contact with Iris who smiled widely at me. I glanced over at the desk she placed her box on and saw it was empty.

"Wait doesn't Michel work there?"

"He did, but we switched desk." Iris grins while putting away her things.

"Oh wait, so Lewis moved you?" I asked excitedly. Having my best friend work in the same place as me is great, but to have her as my desk buddy is ten times better.

"More like Michel lost our bet." Iris replied in a sing-song manner. The raise of my eyebrow was a sign for her to continue. "Well you see my dear friend, we made a bet that if I could get a more clear picture of the scarlet speedster-"

"The Flash." I correct her.

"Right! The Flash. So if I could manage to capture a clear picture of him I could get his desk." Iris explains.

"That's cool and all, but you mean to tell me you have a clear picture of The Flash?" I ask getting anxious.

"Sort of," Iris reached over to show me her picture of what appeared to be Central City's greatest in mid-run. It's pretty blurry, but compare to any other photo taken of The Flash this one is by far the best. If you look closely you can just about make out his lightning bolt logo. You can also see his face a bit, fortunately it isn't clear enough to identify who's under the mask. "He stopped by to give me a file about Clay Parker and then just ran off."

"Why?" I ask curiously. Barry didn't bring this up, but I'm assuming he decided to do this last minute. Before, I would have been very upset that Barry would show up as The Flash and talk to Iris. Putting her life in danger if anyone was to find out that The Flash in closely connected to the West girl, but after a long talk with Barry we figured it would be okay. Iris knows what's she is getting herself into in one way or another and has a lot of people to look out for her including herself.

"He said something about wanting me to look into it and write about it. To help catch him." The twinkle in my eye told me she was more then ready to take on the task given to her. The excitement she showed was adorable and I for one was not going to stop her.

"Well, it looks to me that he trust you. So I wish you luck on this little mission, but know if you need any help I'm more then happy to lend a hand." I reassure her.

"Aw! Thanks Maddy! Have I ever told you how much I value our friendship."

"You wouldn't be sitting next to me if you didn't." I laughed and with that I stood up and helped Iris organize her new work space.

After an hour of rearranging files, filling up pencil holders, and setting up a cute home screen for her computer, Iris was finally settled and ready to start her assignment about Clay Parker.

"She thinks she is so perfect." Gina mumbled under her breath. I decide to ignore her and continue working, but her complaints just kept getting louder. "I mean we get it your great and nice. Yuck!" Gina continued. "Like that white blouse is so last year and should be illegal."

"I'm sorry is something wrong?" Iris ask. She looked slightly annoyed because before she was so focus on her work, but I guess like me she became heavily distracted by Gina complaints.

"Oh no." Austin mumbled as he walked by. "Never ask Gina how she is unless you want a five hour rant on your hands."

"Shut up, Austin."

"Likewise, daring." Austin hummed continuing to walk past our desk to the copying machine.

"It's that new girl," Gina points over to Linda who is talking to Tyler by her desk which is reasonable far from us, but still visible too.

In Love In A FlashWhere stories live. Discover now