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It's already been a day and things seem to gone downhill. Not with work at least and that's a first. Cisco made these shields that can withstand Cold's gun, but when they went to go confront them they discovered he had a partner. It doesn't seem that bad until they released he was equipped with a heat gun. I never saw Snart as a partner kind of guy, but hey, you discover something new every day. Why does this concern me? Because the guy abducted my friend.

"My picture got the front cover," Austin says rushing over to me with the newspaper from this morning.

"Yeah, for my story," I smirked.

"Teamwork!" Both Austin and I high five from a job well done. "I swear the other reporters are quaking in their boots." I giggle at Austin's silliness and shove him away from my desk.

"Don't you have somewhere to be?" I questioned.

"Um, yeah, I do actually." I raise an eyebrow. "I happen to be given the opportunity to take pictures of Lady Gaga's performance at Coachella-"

"Let me stop you there," I say putting up one hand to silence him. "If that sentence doesn't end with you giving me your extra ticket to join you, you should walk away now while you still have your hands."

"I better walk away then cause I kinda need my hand to take the pictures." replies Austin.

"Seriously!" I whine.

"I'm sorry, but I'm inviting this really cute Australian guy to go with me." Austin pouts, using his green puppy dog eyes on me.

"Fine leave me for-" I was cut off by all the T.V.s fuzzing out and projecting Captain Cold.

"Greetings, citizens of Central City. I am Leonard Snart. But you can call me Cold." says Snart in the back I can see a bold man holding what appears to be a female hostage. My stomach turns as I recognize who the hostage is. "I'm gonna make this very simple for everyone. That red streak you've been hearing whispers about, the one mysteriously saving people these past few months? Well, surprise, he's real. He calls himself the Flash. Porter and Main, tonight, sundown. Come out, come out, wherever you are, Flash. Show the whole world you're real. Or this woman dies."

"No, don't come for me. Stay away!" Caitlin yells as Snart's partner takes her away. The T.V goes black and I'm rushing to get my coat.

"Where are you going?" Austin calls out.

"Early lunch." I surprisingly manage to say as I run to take my car to S.T.A.R. Labs.


When I got to S.T.A.R Labs everyone was already aware of what's going on. The plan was to make Snart's and Mick's (Snart's partner) gun beams of cold and hot to intercept and cancel each other out. This means that everyone out there is going to know that The Flash is real as cops stand by and watch, waiting to make a move. While Barry deals with the criminals, Joe, Cisco and I went out to find Caitlin.

"Are you sure Caitlin's here, Cisco?" Joe says as we pull up to an abandoned warehouse.

"Starting from Caitlin's car, I pieced together surveillance footage that led us to his general area." says Cisco as he double checks on his tablet.

"But there's over a dozen warehouses here." I say sounding wary.

"Yeah, but only one of them has had the heat on the last three nights. And I'm betting Mick Rory likes it hot," replies Cisco.

"Okay. Stay behind me." Joe says as he loads his gun. We all head towards the warehouse.

"Caitlin?" I whispered yelled. I hear a female muffled voice in the distance and glanced at Cisco.

In Love In A FlashWhere stories live. Discover now