Cold's Back

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The door to the West house opens and in enters Barry and Joe. Barry scans the room surprised. 

"What are you guys doing here." motioning towards Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, Iris, and I.

"I invited them," replies Joe. Dr. Wells was also invited, but mentioned having to catch up on some work and couldn't come by to celebrate Christmas with the rest of us. 

"Eggnog?" Caitlin ask.

"Yeah, thanks," says Barry as she goes to get him a mug. Barry walks over to me a shy smile. "Hey."

"Hey." I smile back. Caitlin comes back with Barry's mug and hands it to him and goes over to talk to Cisco.

"Um... can we talk?" Barry asks as he rubs the back of this neck with one hand, the other still gripping the mug.

"Of course." I smile. Barry and I walk over to the steps and take a seat. We've been avoiding the topic of the man in yellow or as Cisco calls him, The Reverse Flash. It's not something I want to talk about, but I notice Barry's leg shaking signaling that something is bothering him. I placed my hand gently on Barry's knee and he stops, softly smiling at me.

"Sorry." he whispers.

"It's alright." 

"Did he say anything to you?" Barry asks biting down on his lower lip in anticipation.

"Yeah." I sigh. I wasn't going to lie to him. I'm sick of lying at this point. "He said I'll make good leverage and that there's always next time," I mumbled. Barry bit harder on his lower lip now drawing blood.

"That little bit-"

"Don't worry abo-"

"Don't worry about it? Madison, what if he comes after you again and I'm not there to stop it?" Barry asked worry.

"We can't keep living in fear and we can't keep thinking about the 'what if's' either. The now is most important and so let's live in the now." I say taking his left him in mine. "The past sucked ass and the future is probably gonna be just as bad, but the present seems alright at the moment," I say looking around the room at all are friends. "Live in the present with me Barry, and when the time comes to face the man in yellow you'll be ready." Barry leaned over pressing our lips together. His soft lips tasted like grandma Esther's famous eggnog, alcohol and all, but on Barry's lips, it tasted even sweeter. When he pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine all I wanted to do was pull him back in.

"I know it's not healthy to constantly worry about everything, but when the people I love are in grave danger I'm gonna worry. I'm gonna promise you now, I wouldn't let that man take you. He already took my mother, but this time I'll be ready for him and he wouldn't touch you."

"Don't make promises you can't keep," I warn.

"This is a promise I will keep," Barry states, his eyes showing how to determine he is.

"Guys! Dad's putting on the angle." Iris calls over. Barry grabs hold of my hand and we make our way to the living room and watch as Joe places the angle on the top of the trees. Everyone cheered as once the angle was safely on the tree.

"Merry Christmas Madison." Barry smiles.

"Merry Christmas Barry."


We watched as Barry ran away from the drone as Cisco shoots shocker beams at Barry which only sends an electric shock if touched. I feel like Cisco loves messing with the drone way too much, especially when it came to shooting at Barry.

"That was too close." Caitlin scolds Cisco.

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco defends.

"Pretty sure he didn't tell you to make him dead." Caitlin counters. 

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