Bad Memories

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   Yesterday's date was great, but this movie come out and I was dying to see it so I ask Barry to come with me and so he did.

"Regular movie scale, that was a seven or an eight. Zombie movie scale, it was, like, a four, tops," says Barry once we left the movies

"So now there's a zombie movie scale?" I asked.

"Did you know that zombies exist in nature? There's a species of fungi that infects ants, causing the ants to attack plants that can release spores which in turn infects the new host," says Barry. "I'm going full nerd again, aren't I?"

"Maybe just a little, but don't sweat it, it's cute when you go all nerd," I say poking him in the ribs. "Plus I'm more interested in talking about 'The Flash'." Barry gave me a sideways look. "Look hear me out. You saw Back to the Future, right?" Barr nods. "So the car had to pass a certain speed to go back in time, what if yo can do that? Like, look at this picture of you when you're running." I take out my phone and show it to him. "It's a blur, who says you can't run fast enough to time travel,"

"I just see you and Cisco making funny faces while taking a selfie," says Barry as he looks at my phone.

"Oh, wrong picture." I laugh. Barry's phone then started vibrating.

"Cisco," Barry tells me answering the phone. "Hello." There was a pause. "Public indecency? Dog leash violation?"

"What?" I mouthed. Barry then hangs up.

"Be right back in a flash." he grins and he's gone. In a blink of an eye, he's back.

"That pun tho." I giggled.

"You wanna grab a bit? I'm feeling a little famished," says Barry.

"After the Mongolian barbecue, we had before the movie and the extra large popcorn you had at the movie? Due, how are you not fat?" I say.

"You know, jogging." says Barry.

"Oh, okay. But it seems more like running if you ask me." I say with a cheeky grin. "Let's go."


I walk into S.T.A.R Labs getting to work by checking for danger and helping Cisco or Caitlin out with things there working on. Later on, Barry and Joe walk into the Lab to tell us about a new meta-human.

"Fascinating, a meta-human that can manipulate poison gas," says Dr.Wells.

"Is it just poisonous gas, or can it control all aerated substances?" I ask.

"How is he able to formulate the connection? Is it physiological or psychological?" Caitlin ask.

"This individual can create a metal nexus using gaseous substances." says Dr.Wells.

"You mean to connect with glasses on a molecular level?" I ask as Caitlin and I went straight to work on the computers.

"Yes." says Dr.Wells.

"That is ridiculously cool." Cisco and I both said as we hive five.

"Jinx!" I say sticking my tongue at him.

"They get really excited about this stuff," Barry tells Joe. 

"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars. Except for Iron Heights isn't exactly equipped to handle meta-humans," says Joe.

"Then I guess it's fortunate the ones you've encountered so far are no longer with us," says Dr.Wells. I can't help but feel sick when he said that. Yeah, they all died basically, how fortunate is that! I thought to roll my eyes at his insensitive comment.

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