Little Sis

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The rest of the day I spent at home cause my stupid curse was getting out of hand, again. I had to explain to Cisco why the keyboard of mine was burnt and smoking. I just told him I drop some chemicals on it causes it to burn. I wouldn't have believed that, but Cisco did. On my way home I took a pit stop at CC Jitters to get some coffee. As I waited for my coffee I felt someone next to me. Their presence felt formerly, to formerly. I look over my shoulder causing a small cry to escape from me.

"Piper?" I ask. Piper, my younger sister was just staring at me like I was a ghost, which I'm not. She started at me with her big silver eyes and I just didn't know what to do. That's when Piper ran up to me and embrace me into a hug. I was shocked, after what I've done to her, I don't know. I just didn't aspect her to hug me.

"I missed you so much, Madison," Piper whispered. She was crying as I stroked her long blond hair.

"How can you? After what I did to you?" I asked my voice cracking. Piper then looked at me with a shy smile. I can see a healing burnt mark that shows from her right cheek all the way down to her neck ending at the end of her shoulder. You couldn't see all of it, but I know... I'm the more who burned her/shocked her.

"Madison, do you really think I'm mad at you about that? It wasn't your fault. You couldn't control it." Piper exclaimed. 

"But I still hurt you," I whispered. Walking away from her grasp. I grabbed my coffee and was about to leave when I felt Piper grab my wrist.

"You are not going to run away again!" Piper yell. I was shocked. I didn't know she had it in her. I looked around seeing eyes on us. 

"I'm not running this time. I'm just walking away." I whispered exiting Jitters. I started to walk home, but I heard loud stomping and sighed. I turned around to see a piss Piper coming towards me. 

"Ever since that stupid accident you pushed everyone away, even before that! You ran away Madison!" Piper yelled once more.

"Don't you think I know that!" I snapped stepping closer to her. "I did it for you, mom, dad, our family Piper." I began to walk away again.

"I should have known you would run away... why wouldn't you let us help you? Why won't you let me help?" Piper says her voice cracking.

"If getting help means harming the ones I love... I think I'm better off without it." I whispered walking away once more, but this time Piper didn't try to stop me. As I made it home I was about to open the door but realized I forgot my keys at S.T.A.R Labs. "You got to be kidding me!" I yelled banging my head on the door. "Back to S.T.A.R Labs." I sighed.


"Yeah, Felicity works with The Arrow." I hear Barry say. Now that caused me to run. I ran into the main lab causing everyone to turn around.

"Felicity!" I yelled running into her arms.

"Madison, its been forever!" Felicity said with her sweet song voice.

"Wait, you guys know each other?" Barry asked.

"Arrow saved my life when I got abducted in Starling City and I meet the team, so I and Fel got along very well from the start," I said with a smile reaching from ear to ear.

"Yeah, and we also help Maddy with her-" 

"My problems of being away from the family too long, it really got to me sometimes," I say with a weak smile. The Arrow team did save my life only because I refused to use my curse to hurt people, and Oliver was able to help me control my powers a bit. I just couldn't tell Team Flash because they have to deal with Barry and all the meta-humans, why add me to the drama? Felicity looked at me with a raised eyebrow but soon got the hint.

"Yep, a good friend just being there for their friend," Felicity said with a smile. 

Felicity, Cisco, Caitlin, Dr.Wells, and Barry were talking, but I half listened. I was lost in my taught thinking about Piper.

"Speaking of great things, want to see something cool?" I hear Barry ask. I gave Caitlin a 'does he really have to show off?' look. She shrugged as we all walk on the treadmill. He started running, his speed picking up.

"How fast can he run?" Felicity asked no one in particular, staring at Barry run.

"He hasn't reached his top speed yet, theoretically speaking." says Dr.Wells.

"So is he really okay?" Felicity asked sounding a bit concerned.

"His heart rate is within a normal range," says Caitlin.

"For him," I added.

"No, I mean, the lightning bolt changed him. Do any of you really know how much?"

"We know a fair amount," I say with a warm smile, mostly trying to hide what I really felt. I could already tell what Felicity was leading to cause, trust me I thought the same thing.

"If everything about him is sped up, is he going to age faster? What would happen if he ran too fast? I mean, would he just be running, and then, poof, he's dust in a red costume?" says Felicity now looking at us. I cringed at the thought of Barry dying like that. That was not the way to go.

"Everything we do here at S.T.A.R Labs is to protect Barry Allen," Dr.Wells reassured.

"Trust us, Felicity, he is in very good hands here." says Caitlin.

"And I," I sit down. "Second that."

"Want to see how fast I can run backward?" Barry called out. Barry starts running backward crashing into the boxes behind the treadmill. We placed those boxes there just in case things like that happen.

"Don't worry. He heals quickly too." Caitlin as I go into the other room to help Barry up. 

"I should get going, I only came to get my keys, so later fellow nerds," I say grabbing my keys and exiting S.T.A.R Labs. As I get to the front door of my apartment, I was able to notice someone sitting by the door their nose all up in their iPhone. 

"How did you find where I lived?" I sighed. Piper looked up with a smile.

"Dustin," we said together laughing now. Dustin and I were the slickest in the family, then came Emma, Piper being last. I don't know, but being slick and smooth like criminals, kind of runs in the family. Oh, but we aren't criminals! Just slick like them. We hardly make a sound unless we want to be noticed so I understand not noticing Piper till last second.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was hoping to hang out. If you're okay with it that is!" Piper says covering up. She looks up at me and sighs. "I just want my sister back, you know?" I open the door not answering her question. I can see the disappointment in her eyes as I walked in. I look over my shoulder.

"Coming?" I asked. I swear the smile that Piper gave me was so big I was wondering how it fit on her small face. We both sat down on the couch just talking. For once in a long time, being sisters.

 For once in a long time, being sisters

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