Liquid Courage

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"Dude. That was insane." Cisco laughed as he helped me clean the Flash suit which was currently covered in ashes. "I mean, even I'm having a hard time getting mad at you for dirtying up my suit." That mark earned a dirty look from yours truly.

Barry or the Flash, take your pick, managed to save a couple who got into a car accident. The car was flipped and had crashed into a power pole causing the electrical wires to fall into the spilled car oil. Barry had gotten the couple and himself out in time before they had all burned to crisp. 

The only reason I was at S.T.A.R Labs was because Barry and I planned to go out to a fancy restaurant, but now I'm squatting near the leg of the suit with a rag in hand trying to not dirt on my pants and help clean the suit I helped build. Squatting wasn't the most conformable thing to do in the heels I was in, but I didn't dress this good for my clothes to get dirty!

"Okay, when are we going to start considering it my suit?" Barry ask as he spun in the desk chair nearby.

"For starters you can help clean in." I toss him a rag which he catches effortlessly. 

"I'd be comfortable calling it our suit." says Cisco.

"All in favor say 'I'." 

"I." Cisco and Barry chuckle.

"Tonight was the fastest you've ever run." says Caitlin as she enters the room.

"Yes, your training is paying off. That couple is alive tonight because of you." Dr. Wells complements who also has joined the group.

"I can still get faster. I know I can."

"And you will one day, I'm sure. But for today, I'd say you've fulfilled your save quota. Proper rest is what you need, as do we all." says Dr. Wells as he exits the room.

"Better yet, what we all need is a proper drink. Who's up for a round?" Cisco asks.

"Oh, dude, we can't. Maddison and I have reservations at this restaurant." explains Barry as he gets his coat. I toss my rag over to Cisco before standing up.

"Oh that's way your all dressed up." Cisco says motioning towards Barry and I. "Don't stay up to late, you hear? I want her home before twelve."

"Yeah okay dad." I laugh while linking arms with Barry.

"And no funny business you hear." Cisco continues pointing a playful finger at us.

"But if you do, use protection." Caitlin joins in.

"Caitlin!" I yell.

"No promises." Barry smirks down at me. 

"Barry!" I scowled, feeling my face heat up. Hopefully my makeup helps hide my tomato face.

"I think it'll be safer if you use protection." Caitlin says titling her head.

"No, I know that. I meant the funny-"

"That's it were going." I say tugging at his arm while making my way to the elevators.

"Have fun!" Cisco yells.


It was roughly eights o'clock in the morning based on the sunlight seeking into my bedroom. With my body aching,  I stretched out my arms and legs and was surprised to not have hit another body since Barry had spent the night. However, I did feel a dip in the bed so someone was there.

I opened my eyes to see Barry sitting on the edge of the bed in just his underwear looking down at his phone in his hand.

"What's wrong?" I ask seeing the tension in his arched shoulder.

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