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"Barry, there's an intersection coming up. Hurry." I say into the mic. Currently, the middle of the night and Barry is off chasing three men on motorcycles. I guess it's true, there isn't any rest for the wicked. Which kinda stinks because us good guys would love some sleep.

"This should slow 'em down," says Cisco as he changes the green light to red. Of course, them being the bad guys they are they ignore it and split up going into different directions

"Guys which way?" Barry ask.

"Straight," I reply.

"Left." says Caitlin.

"Right," says Cisco. We all share a look since we all said it at the same time.

"Right," I say.

"Left." says Cisco.

"Straight." says Caitlin. 

"Oh God," I mumble.

"Stop!" Barry yells. "You guys hear you're telling me two different things, right?"

"Barry, listen up. Listen carefully. Here is what you're going to do. Now, the Queen is trying to make it to the bridge, but I have a shortcut, wait for it, and left, left, right," says Dr. Wells as he guides Barry using the computer to help track everyone's location.

"I see her!" yells Barry.

"Make her go west before Fremont," I say.

"Okay, how?"

"I'd recommend a detour." Dr. Wells smirks. I see where Dr. Wells is going with this and bring up the traffic cameras. Barry blocks off a street causing one of the motorcyclist to make a detour.

"Now, the King is headed for the entrance to the interstate."

  "What entrance?" Barry says sarcastically as he blocks off another way.

 "Make her go west before Fremont." Dr. Wells states calmly.

 "Okay, how?"

"I'd recommend a detour," Wells smirks. We notice on the streets cameras Barry border off a street causing the motorcyclist to take a harsh left.

"Now, the King is headed for the entrance to the interstate." Dr. Wells continues directing.

"What entrance?" Barry jokingly says as he manages to block that off too with a UPS van.

"Atta boy," Wells says. "Check mate." all the three motorcyclists meet up at one place being surrounded by cop cars. 

"Got the keys!" Barry cheers as he rushes out of the scene.

"Give me some!" Cisco cheers as he high fives Barry when he walked in.

"Nice one Barr." I smiled giving him a hug which he happily accepted. 

"Efficiently done, Mr. Allen." Wells smiles from across the room.

"We need a picture!" says Cisco as he runs to get his phone. 

Pretty sure rule number one of having a secret identity is not taking pictures of yourself in your super suit without a mask on." Barry points out.

"Yeah, it kinda defeats the purpose of the whole secret identity thing." I agree

"Oh, come on, please! This is just for us. This is to document all this." Cisco begs the group.

"Who knows? Maybe people in the future will want to know how all this happened." Dr. Wells speaks up surprising both Caitlin and I. I didn't see that coming. Dr.Wells is more of a 'follow the rules' kind of guy.

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