The Mist

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As Caitlin and I worked on the sample Barry gave us Barry, I bet, couldn't help, but ask this question. 

"Hey Caitlin, can I ask you something that you don't have to answer?"

"My least favorite kind of question." Caitlin laughed. "Shoot."

"Ronnie." Both Caitlin and I started paying closer attention." What was he like? You just never talk about him much." Caitlin thought about it for a minute before speaking.

"We met when we were working on the particle accelerator. He was the structural engineer. He liked to joke that he was basically a very high-priced plumber. We were very different. You might have noticed I can be a bit guarded. Ronnie knew how to make me laugh. He used to say we were like fire and ice. He wasn't supposed to be there that night. He was just there for me. If it hadn't-" Caitlin was cut off by the printer whirring giving Cait an excuse to not continue her sentence, but I don't blame her. I can tell that she was going to blame herself for his death. Caitlin reads the paper. "This says that there was a residue of gas in the tissue, poisonous or otherwise."

"It must have evaporated," I say looking over her shoulder at the paper. 

"We'll need to get a fresh sample." Barry states.

"Wait, this can't be right," Caitlin says analyzing the paper once more. "This says that there are two distinct strands of DNA inside the tissue."

"How did someone else's DNA get inside the victim's lungs?" I ask. Barry searches the DNA database.

"There's no DNA match in the database," Barry says.

"I don't understand," I say crossing my arms. I started biting my lips pacing across the room. "Why would a chemical attack leave behind another person's DNA inside the victim?" I can tell that Barry and Caitlin were thinking too.

"What if the meta-human we're looking for doesn't control gas? What if he becomes it?" Barry ask. We all started at one another until the radio static caused us to turn away.

"According to witnesses, the gas attack was in the main elevator in the north wing." Barry quickly got on his feet. I followed him jumping right in front of him.

"Barry, don't," I say. "We don't know enough about what we're facing yet."

"It's not safe." says Caitlin.

"Madison, I have to go," Barry states as he runs off sending pieces of paper into the air.

"I should have used my staff to him," I mumbled getting a nod from Caitlin. I then grabbed Caitlin as we raced back to S.T.A.R Labs.


"I patched into the mall's security system. According to witnesses, the gas attack was in the main elevator in the north wing." Cisco says.

"Which one is the north wing?" Barry asked.

"The on with the Big Belly Burger," says Dr.Wells. Cisco gave him a questioning glance. "I eat." Both Caitlin and I enter the room to see Cisco and Dr.Wells near the mic talking to Barry. I hear Barry yells and gasps through the mic. I push the boys out of the way, reaching for the mic.

"Barry. Barry, can you hear me?" I ask.

"His vitals are weak, but he's alive. Dr.Wells." Cisco says looking over at him.

"I'm sure he's fine," Dr.Wells reassures and just as he says that Barry comes collapsing on the floor right near the three of us wheezing and coughing. 

"I can't breath." Barry manages the says still wheezing.

"He needs oxygen." says Caitlin.

"Get the crash cart!" Dr.Wells says as Cisco and I carry Barry the medical bed.

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