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Both Barry and I entered S.T.A.R Labs with our cups of coffee in our hands

"Sorry, guys, we got a little held up," says Barry. Everyone glances at Barry with a confuse look. 

"You had to be there," I say.

"I'm gonna need a moment or two alone with Barry." says Dr.Wells.

"Ooh, you're in trouble," mumbles Cisco as we all left the room. Once out of the room. Cisco and Caitlin push me into another room.

"Happy Birthday!" yelled Cisco, but Caitlin looked mad.

"How could you not tell us!" she yelled.

"About my birthday? I thought I told you guys..."

"No, your powers," states Caitlin. I froze.

"I don't..."

"Cisco told me," says Caitlin. I gave Cisco the "I'm going to kill you." look.

"Cisco!" I hissed.

"I had to." Cisco defended. 

"Cisco did the right thing, Madison. You should have told us. We can help you figure things out." says Caitlin.

"I don't need help," I state. "Why did you have to tell Caitlin anyway?" 

"To make this," Cisco says handing me back my staff.

"I don't get it. What did you do to it?" I asked.

"I did a little Cisco magic on it. Now it can absorb your electricity from your hands and turn into a killer electric staff. A masterpiece if you ask me." says Cisco.

"And what am I suppose to do with it then?" I asked.

"Fight meta-humans and bad guys, duh." says Cisco.

"I didn't agree to this," I state, piss.

"Oh, come on, Maddy. It'll be fun," says Cisco.

"What will Barry say?" Caitlin asked. "He'll never agree to this."

"Thank you. Finally, someone's on my side."

"Barry doesn't have to know," says Cisco. Both Caitlin and I share a look.

"He'll find out." both Caitlin and I say at the same time.

"Madison will be wearing a mask and he'll never know." says Cisco.

"Okay let me get this straight." I take a seat on the desk. "Yo want me to run around, taking down meat-humans, wearing a mask and not let anyone know who I am? Doesn't that sound like someone to you?"

"Come on, guys," Cisco begged. "Look on the bright side."

"Which is?" asked Caitlin.

"It'll be fun," says Cisco. Both I and Caitlin just roll our eyes. "At least think about it."

"Fine." I sigh. I fold up me staff.(Yep, it's pocket size.) and walked out of the room with a hopeful Cisco and pissed Caitlin right behind me. I watch as Barry leaves the room he was in with Dr.Wells and run out.

"Yes, Barry is gone!" Cisco says, excited. "Now we can practice."

"Practice what?" Caitlin asked.

"Madison's skills with her new staff. You guys got to catch up," says Cisco has he runs over to the room with Barry's treadmill. He takes out a punching bag and sets it up. "Know what to do?"

"Yeah, I'm not that slow." I pout taking out my staff.

"Caitlin, you're on lookout duty to make sure Dr.Wells and Barry don't come." says Cisco.

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