Best Birthday Gift

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A/N: Happy Birthday to our sweetest cutest Dad Sebastian Stan! <3 <3 I wish you everyone a Happy Sebastian Day!

Also I dedicate this chapter to a very special person, whose book inspired me to write this book of mine! Also who gave me this chapter's idea! I always look forward for her comment on my chapters! *_* *_* *_* I love you @BuckysGirl42 !!! 

Sebastian's POV

"Are you sure you want to spend your big day in LA, not with us and alone?" said Chace and I chuckled.

"Don't be a baby,Chace. I'll make it up to you." I said. Chace huffled like a 5 year old.

"I mean come one! Every year we spend this day together! And this year you HAD TO spend your birthday in LA? God! I hate my job! The director didn't even give me a leave!" whined Chace as he crossed his arms.

"It is a mare coincidence that Will, Aliss and some others are in LA, Chace. From the beginning I wanted to spend this day in LA." I said as I wanted to spend the day with Anna.

"Okay fine, Mr.Pukesmell." said Chace and he burst out laughter.

"Hey! I just changed! I don't smell like puke anymore!" I said defensively.

"Yeah, but you smell like baby powder now." said Rebecca from behind and they both burst out laughter. We..they are not wrong. Ashley's baby powder smells good, so I use it.

"How is my cupcake looking?" said Rebecca as she showed Ashley to us.

Rebecca asked if she could dress Ashley, so I didn't object. Ashley was looking so cute! Rebecca has put a baby blue dress on her and put a white hat and white shoes.

"Cupcake!" said Chace excitedly and Ashley squealed. Rebecca gave her into Chace arms and sat beside me.

"She looks even cuter after the tooth has grown." smiled Rebecca.

"Yea she does." I smiled back. Ashley struggled to get out of Chace's lap and then stood up while supporting her hand on Chace's thigh. She gave a big naughty grin to Chace and Chace pouted.

"Ginger, try to stand, oki doki?" I said to Ashley.

"Chace, you just have to remove her hands from your legs, she can stand for a while. Okay?" I said to Chace. Chace did what I told him and Ashley started to balance herself. I started to clap in a rhythm which somehow helps her standing. She gave a huge grin revealing her tooth and tired to clap her hands. But she still need to learn multitasking. She lost her balance and fell on her butt, then the whole room filled with her giggle.

"So proud of her!" said Chace proudly.

"She is growing up!" said Rebecca happily as she  blew a flying kiss to Ashley. Ashley tried to copy her but failed cutely. She placed her tiny chubby palm oh her mouth then threw her hand up in the air

"Ta!" she said excitedly and we all started to laughing.

"Diaper...check....Baby Food......check..Pillows...check.....Ashley..." I was about to say check but then I realize that Ashley wasn't with me. She has crawled away from me and stood up with the support of a sofa and babbling  "Bububububub".

I smiled inwardly. Chris will definitely be happy to see Ashley.

"Hey Miss.Babbling Queen, we have to catch a flight." I said as I picked her up. Ashley immediately removed her hat and grabbed it.

"You were looking very cute, baby! Baba will be so happy to see you!" I cooed 

"Bubububububububub!" she said excitedly.

Being A Dad : Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now