She'll Stay With Me

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Sebastian's POV

I held Ashley close to my chest for a long time. Then I felt her breathing became even. Still  held her close to my chest as my mom sob infront of me.

Chace hugged her to comfort her. Chace is actually my best friend. He has proven it. I went to Ashley's room and placed her into her crib. Then I went to living room. I saw mom was still sobbing on Chace's shoulder. They were not alone. Anna's Mom, Dad and her brother Dean was also there.

I went to Mom and held her. She sobbed. She loved Anna like her own daughter. She brought herself together and wiped the tears from her face. Anna's Mom and Dad was looking at me.

"We need to talk." said Dean. I looked at him.

"Listen, I don't think any of us are in the mood of talking today. So it will be better, if we talk tomorrow. " said Chace. I looked at him thankfully.

"Sure." said Dean bitterly and sighed. They got up. I went to Anna's Mom and hugged her.

"She loved you." said Anna's Mom, Stacy sobbed.

"I love her, Stacy. And I always will." I said. She sighed and nodded.

"Chace? Can you give them a lift to hotel?" I said to Chace.

"Yeah. Sure." said Chace and he got up. He gave me and mom a hug.

"Get a grip, Georgeta." said Chace to my Mom and kissed her forehead. And they left.

"You need to eat something. " said Mom looking at me.

"I'm not hungry. " I said in a low voice.

"Look at you, Sebastian! You haven't eat anything today! Do you think I notice nothing ? You are skipping meals! Look at your face! How are you  gonna take care of Ashley if you become sick? She has just lost her mother! She can't lose her father now!" Mom yelled. I sighed.

Mom went to kitchen and came with food in her hands. She sat beside me and held the spoon infront of my mouth. I unwillingly shallow it. After two or three bites I heard Ashley's wailing. Don't know why, but she's been so cranky aftern Anna's death.

I ran to her bedroom and saw my little baby throwing her hands and kicking her legs. I picked her up and started to rock her. But she didn't stop crying. All of a sudden she puked on me. And started to wail louder. I placed her on the changing table and took her diaper off. It was full. I took the baby wipes and cleaned her. It was hard for me to clean her, when she is wailing and throwing her hands and legs.

"Hush hush baby!!! " I said in a soft tone. But it didn't work.

"Seb? How many spoon you put in her formula milk?" Mom said from the behid.

"Three" i managed to say. Again i was busy to keep Ashley on her place. I struggled to put her diaper then placed her on my shoulder as she has puked on my chest.

"Here you go." said Mom handing me the feeder.

I sat down on the chair and placed Ashley in my lap and then placed the feeder in her mouth. She eagerly took it. I let out a sigh of relief. As soon as her bottle was half empty she dosed off to sleep. I placed her on the crib and went to the door.

"You need some rest too,Mom." I said looking at my mom.

"Yeah." Mom nodded and she went to the guestroom.

I went to Anna and I's bedroom. I took off the suit and shirt. Went to take a shower. As hot water dripped on my shoulder, I started to cry again. I got a grip on myself and promised I won't cry from now.

Being A Dad : Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now