Story Telling Time

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A/N: Heyyyyy!!! Guys!!!!! Thank you soooooooooo much for 600+ readers!!!! I can't describe how happy I am right now!!! I feel like crying now !!! Thanks for reading my story! It means a lot to me! I love you guys! Take "A Big Fat" Sebastian' smile!! 😍😍😍😍 ♥♥♥♥♥

So! I am dedicating this story to a special person who voted for this story first. I love you and thanks for voting my story. It means a lot to me <3 <3

1 month later

Sebastian's POV

Opening the door of Ashley's nursery, i stepped inside. I saw my 3 month old  looking at her hands with great interest in the crib. She was trying to put her hands on her mouth. 

The amazing thing about Ashley is,  she barely cries when she wakes up from the nap of afternoon. She would just stare at her hands and play with it. It just brings a smile on my face.

And yes. I am trying to move on. This little bundle of joy is healing me. When I see her innocent precious face giving me a toothless grin and her drool comes of her mouth, it immediately makes me smile. I can't forget Anna. I can't stop feeling her absence. Can't stop feeling the grief of her death. But somehow Ashley manages to make me feel a bit better.

Lately I haven't been out of the house. Many friends of mine visited me. Things were getting a bit better. I went to Ashley's crib and leaned on the railing.

"Good Afternoon, Bug." I said smiling at my daughter. In reply she looked up at me and gave me a smile and as usual her drool came out.

"Baba was right, you are a drooly baby!" I cooed. Ashley started to throw her hands and legs in excitement. I chuckled and picked her up.

As soon as I picked her up, she placed her palms in my face. Her one tiny palm was on my right eye and the other one was on the apple of my cheek. And she looked at my face with a great interest. Her mouth was open and her drool started to fall on my collar bone. I chuckled. I put her down to my chest length and grabbed her in my left arm. With my right hand I whip off the drool.

"You are so drooly drooly!!" I said in a baby voice. Then I blew raspberries in her tummy. She began to laugh. The sound was the most adorable sound in the world.  Placing her on my shoulder, I kissed the top of her head.  I could feel she was drooling, as my shoulder felt wet. I laughed at the thought that I don't even care that my daughter's saliva is covering my shoulder and wetting my t-shirt.

"That's how it feels to be a parent!" I told myself.

Even before Ashley's birth I would make a disgust face whenever parents used to clean their baby's drool with their bare hands. Also how they act like it's soo normal that you will be covered in your kid's pee and poop. Last week I was laying on the bed while Ashley was laying on my chest. She woke up and puked on me. There was a circle of white strain in my t-shirt and I didn't even care that it was a baby puke. But a few years ago Mackie's kid puked on him in front of me and I was about to to puke at the same time. But Mackie was so okay with it. As if it didn't bother him.

Now I can feel how Mackie felt. I have my Ashley now. There are numerous times when she peed on me. And I felt it natural. I went to make her formula milk and found out that the can was almost empty.

"God! Bug! Your food is almost running out! We have to buy some new Chemical Milk for you!" I cooed in hysterically and I patted her back. And she let out

"Huuh.......huuuh........" as if she is replying to me.

"Yeah, bug. We have get you ready for shopping! " I said holding her in arm length. She stared at me for a long time as if she understood each and every word i said.

Being A Dad : Sebastian StanWhere stories live. Discover now