Prologue -

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You wave goodbye to your mum, before heading off for another boring day at your terrible high school. You started walking when you felt a drop fall onto your head. As you looked up, you could see clouds gathering together, most likely a storm on the way. You decided to pick up your pace.

You got to the bus station where you sat waiting for your bus to arrive when you suddenly heard a laugh you hated. You didn't dare turn around, but it didn't bother them, they just stood in front of you. "Ah...Y/N, it's a shame your too poor to afford a car~ you'll probably end up doing what your mum does for a living." He laughed and watched as you tried to get through his words without breaking down. "You'll be known as the girl who was desperate, like her mother." He carried on tormenting you. "You'll become a prostitute like your eomma! What a disgrace." He laughed more and more, you couldn't help but let a tear fall from your face and watch it slide off onto the floor.

"Now I'm going, I can't be seen with someone like you. Slut." That was it, that was enough for you to walk away, crying. But before you could, he grabbed your bag and threw it in a puddle that had now formed from rain. "Bye. Slut." He cackled, which made you furious. I won't be like my mother   Jeon Jungkook.

A few months went past but he didn't stop. He'd always go to the bus stop in the morning because he knows that you're there to get the bus to school. When he's there, he verbally abuses you, he throws your belongings over the road and there's nothing you can do about it. He even hits you sometimes.

You go into school and he's there with a big smile plastered on his face. 'Ugh, I hate that smile' you thought to you self as you walk past him. Trip. He had stuck his foot out and tripped you over. "Ah!" You screamer as you hit to floor. Everyone turned around and started laughing, not at the fact that you fell over. The fact that your bum cheeks were on show.

"Jeon jungkook!"

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