Chapter 14 - isn't it lovely.

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January 2nd, 2023

"You attempted" Kendall said emotionless.

"I'm sorry Ken, I'm so so sorry, I tried to convince myself and it didn't work. I just couldn't anymore, when- broke my heart the first time, I attempted as well, my parents found me, when they wanted to take a surprise visit. You girls don't know how hard it is to have your best friend since birth hurt you like this, he left many many mental scars. He broke me." I say with a much stronger voice, with tears threatening to spill my eyes once more.

They all looked speechless.

"That's how you ended up there again." Annie said looking straight at me with tears in her eyes.

In case you guys didn't know, I ended back at the place where I met the girls. I was admitted twice, first time because of depression and cutting etc, second time because I got my heart broken by him. I never told the girls the reason I got admitted back.

I nodded with tears now starting to drip out again.

I'm such a crybaby, I wonder how many times I've cried in these past two weeks.

"Alright, now you need to post something. You need to tell your fans what has been going on, since you've been inactive for a week, conspiracy theories have come up." Brynn spoke out.

Then a nurse comes in, perfect timing.

"Excuse me? Nurse?" I ask politely.

"Yes?" She questions with a smile.

"Could you please take a picture of us?" I ask hopefully.

"Of course" She tells me as she walks over to take my phone.

I signal for the girls to come over, next to me, next to the bed.

We all smile and pose. We then thank the nurse and I get my phone back, the worries also come back.

"What's going to happen if or when he sees this?" I question the girls.

"Stop!" Kendall suddenly shouts.

"Stop worrying about him. Forget about him. This is not your fault okay? He doesn't deserve to be concerned about you. I need you to tell your fans what happened, but you don't have to tell them who did it." Kendall told me.

I knew she was right.

I made a post on instagram with a super long caption:

As you guys know, December 25th was my birthday. On that day, someone who was once very close to me came back into my life. We didn't have any contact whatsoever for 5 years. When the person came back, I became scared. I wasn't sacred of the person, I was scared of what could happen. He told me he loved me. We were childhood best friends, dated for a while, broke up because he cheated on me and broke my heart. We were on good terms once more, until the next morning. The next morning, someone was at the door. It was his girlfriend, the one he cheated on me with. It turns out I was just a bet, they had a bet to see if I was that pathetic, that I would go running back into his arms once more. I did. I was that pathetic. I thought I was completely worthless, no one cared. No one. So I did something I thought I would never do again. I attempted to commit suicide. I know right? How stupid. Attempting because of a heartbreak. The thing is, he has broken my heart in so many ways he doesn't know how many times. No one knows the amount of times he has done it, except me. I was, and still am, so broken that I have trouble thinking straight. But I now have my girls with me, and we're going to support each other through it. Heart made of glass my mind of stone, he tears me to pieces. The things is, I'm back. I'm getting the help and support I need. I'll try to be strong.

I posted it, and it immediately gained thousands of likes and comments.

One DM.

From him.

"Girls, he dm'ed me." I inform them as they were all chatting with each other while I was writing the caption.

"Well what did he say?" Brynn instantly asked as the girls turn all their attention to me.

Johnnyorlando: Kenz, please let me explain.

"He wants to explain." I tell the girls.

"Maybe, you should hear him out." Kendall speaks out.

isn't it lovely. 

I have to listen to him again. 

I might forgive him, again. 

The explanation better be good.

Kenzieziegler: fine. You have 1 minute.

Johnnyorlando is typing...


Alright y'all, I'm back.

It's been 2 days back to school.

I have 3 tests next week.

My school goes by A,B day schedule so I don't have the same core classes everyday.

Sorry this took such a long time, and it's so short.

Sorry about this shitty chapter.

I gotta cram and sleep.

Hope it was okay!

fucked up. || jenzie. [✔️]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя