Chapter 12 - fine

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December 25th, 6:00 AM, 2023

I woke up with a strong muscular arm around me. I smiled as I knew who it was, instantly. That smile didn't last long as I remembered the events of last night.

"Good morning, Ms. Kenzie Ziegler who is now 22," Johnny said in a deep, husky voice, that was so fucking hot.

"Good morning, Mr. John Orlando who is also 22" I replied sleepily. But the events of last night keep replaying in my mind. The events that involved Maddie of course.

"Do you think I was too harsh on Maddie last night?" I ask as I slowly sit up.

"I think you were just too shocked to see her again, to see her come back into your life, after 11 years without her." He tells me in a soft tone, as he begins to sit up as well.

"Do you think, that-" I was cut off.

"Yes I do think that you should give her a chance to be back in your life, it is something you have always wanted. I also think that you should be her maid of honor, it is your sister's wedding after all." He literally read my mind. What the actual fuck.

"I guess I'm gonna go apologize, then open presents, and give you five presents that I already have prepared, and an extra special one," I tell him as I get out of bed and wink at that last statement.

I walk downstairs to find the girls and Maddie already up. I think that I shouldn't give Maddie a chance since I really think that she hasn't changed at all. But I still think that I overreacted last night, I know right, shocker. But she is still my sister, Johnny was right about that.

"Maddie, can I talk to you?" I ask as nice as I possibly could, but that was very difficult since I was still having trouble processing what happened.

I signaled towards the kitchen, so she knows that I wanted to talk to her alone.

"I'll be your maid of honor, but only because I know that I need to give you a chance. A chance to at least try to make things right, I'm not forgiving you. I'm simply giving you an attempt to make things between us right." I say in a serious tone.

"Of course! Oh my god! Thank you so much Kenzie, thank you so much for giving me this chance to attempt to make things right." She says excitedly and runs over to hug me.

We get interrupted by the doorbell, it's fucking 6:00 AM, who the fuck could be here right now?

When I go to open the door, it's the person I least expected. Nadia, the familiar ginger that had tortured me in high school.

"Hi? Is Johnny here?" She asks politely. Does she not remember me?

"Um. Why are you looking for him?" I ask cautiously.

"He's my boyfriend." She tells me.

My world crumbles once more, Johnny Orlando. Such a fucking player, comes all the way to New York from California, just for me to find out he was still with that bitch. I know, I know, she probably isn't as bad anymore, like how most bitches from high school change and become kind, or some shit. But, Johnny just broke my heart again, I could feel the girls staring at me, Nadia, and this conversation. I knew I shouldn't have let him back in so easily.

"Um. Yeah. Just hold on one second, come on in." I tell her. Just because she was a bitch to me doesn't mean I'd let her freeze in the below zero New York weather.

I run upstairs, with tears falling down my cheeks.

"Orlando, your girlfriend is here, so get the fuck out of my house. Now." I tell him in a monotone, yet stern voice.

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