chapter 32

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                                                                Georges POV

Me and Ringo were sat on the sofa when i heard the phone go. "for gods sake" i said standing up. Ringo pulled me down and started kissing me.

"let it ring love" he said, nibbing at my kneck. I breathed heavily and wrapped my arms around my kneck.The phone kept going off and i as starting to get annoyed.

"ri-ringo the phone" 

"shhh its fine they can wait" he said carried on ringing and ringing.i pulled away from ringo and went to the phone. " ah george" he whimperd. i smikred and picked up the phone.

"hello" i said pretty pissed off.i heard crying and automaticicly got worried. "hello whats wrong?" i asked. Ringo came up to my side looking confused.

"ge-george ive fucked everything up" it was paul.

"paul tell me whats wrong" i said. Paul was crying really hard and it worried me."paul come over to ringos" i said.

"o-okay" he sniffled and hung up. I looked at Ringo and sighed.

"somethings obvisouly happend between Paul and John for him to phone up cyring" i said walking over to the sofa. Ringo followed and sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my waist. I was worried about Paul, really worried. He doesnt take break-ups to well. He will act like the big hard man for a day or two and then he will soon realize whats happend and break down and cry. He was the same when his ex girlfriend Dot broke up with him when they where only teenagers, he was heart broken and then john came in and paul looked happier. 

But john also looked very upset about the whole things. i can tell that they love each other very much just by looking at them. But john once hes been heartbroken, he will be upset for at least two days before moving on. 

"george are you alright" ringo asked shaking me. i shook me head and looked at him in confusion.


"george you were staring off into space, are you alright?" he asked again, i smiled and nussled up to him.

"i love that you care for me so much" i said kissing his cheek. "and yes im fine just wondering about the whole john and paul situation".

"i know what you mean" ringo replied, stroking my arm. A few minutes later knocking was coming from the door. " ill get it" ringo said standing up and walking to the door. He opend the door to a cyring paul. His eyes were red and puffy, his face pale,his hair messed up and sticking in different directions, his clothes were the same from last night  and his shirt was coverd in blood.

"oh my god paul!" i said running over to him. i gave him a hug and led him to the sofa. "paul what happend to your arm" i said reaching over to look at it.He flinched and moved his arm away.

"i slipped" he said barley above a whisper. His voice sounded scratchy and i was getting really scared about my friend. 

"have you eaten at all" i asked concerned. he shook his head and i sighed. "youve got to eat something"

"i dont want to and you cant make me" he had a point, i cant make him.

"what happend paul?" i asked sitting next to him. His shoulders began to shake and then came the cyring.

"ill go uh make some tea" ringo said walking to the kitchen.

"ive fucked everything up!" paul said pulling at his hair. 

"paul stop your hurting your self." I said getting worried over my friend.He stopped and began talking.

"I phoned up saying I-im sorry and to take m-me back.and he sa-said no because i treated him like dirt."

"well that is true" ringo said butting in.I gave him and evil glare before turning back to paul.

"carry on"

"he th-then told me that he's got a date and if I want to stay in the band then I should leave him alone"

I rubbed his back feeling sorry for him. I don't know how john could move on already.but then again its john, he doesn't give 2 shits about other people's feelings.

"Aw paul im sorry to hear"

he looked at me,his eyes were blood shot and his cheeks streaked with tears."and do you know what the worse thing is,he said that he hates me...why do I Fuck everything up geo" he said.I hugged him,letting him cry into my shoulder.Ringo came and sat next to Paul,also hugging him. "im glad I've got friends that care for me" we laughed at this for a while until paul stood up. "i should be getting back, thanks geo,ringo"

"well I can drive you if you want" I said. ringo punched me causing ne to screach."WHAT WAS THAT FOR!"

"you can't drive him home cos we've got stuff to do" it took me a while before I understood what he ment.

"its fine geo thanks for the offer"

"no problem paul"

"well uh see ye around"  paul said before walking out the house and shutting the door.

ringo pinned me down and kissed me hard. "now we can finish what we started" he said huskily.I wrapped ny arms around his kneck and kissed him back.I undid he shirt and threw it across the room.

"let's take this to the bedroom" I said. he picked me up and headed towards his bedroom.he threw me on the bed and took of his trousers before jumping on the bed.He nibbled my kneck, causing me to breath faster.He kissed me again and undid my shirt,throwing that across the room.I ran my hands down his chest.he started to kiss down mychesy stopping  at my trouser line.

"now these are gonna have to come off aren't they" he said more than asked.He ripped my trousers off and kissed ny inner thight.

"richie.." I moaned.I felt him smile against my skin before grazing his teeth across it.He stopped and kissed me again."fucking tease" I said.ringo put his hand down my pants and began stroking my member.

"im I teasing now" he said smirking.I shook my head, feeling my member grow.ringo began to move up and down causing me to moan. "ri-ringo"

he pulled out his hand and pulled his pants and then mine before pushing into me.I gasped before relaxing.He began to thrust faster."ringo!!" I shouted after he hit the same spot over again.

He kissed me and slowed down his pace. "i love you" he whisperd against my lips.

"i love you too"

a/n:longer than what I usually do.took me 3 attempts to write this as ny laptop kept crashing.any ways enjoy.

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