chapter 11

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                    Paul's POV.

"john what are you looking at?"

I asked john.He didn't reply,just kept looking at me.Sighing I thought of last night.

What did last night mean? John said he loved me and I told him I loved him back,which I do of course.I mean I kissed the man first.We didn't do any thing serious just kissed,looked at eachother and well I guess felt eachother up but was it us just messing about or was it actually love? This is all frustrating.

After finishing my cup of tea,I put  the empty cup in the  sink and went to go get changed into my suit.Slipping on my tight trousers I thought about john. The way his lips moved in perfect sync with mine,the way he ran his hands up my back.He made me feel loved.

I walked out the bedroom fixing my tie.

"macca" John called from the sofa.I turned to look at him and smiled.

"why ya dressed mate?" He asked me,his eyebrow scrunching together.

"dont you remember?" I said sitting on the arm of the sofa.John just looked at me so I carried on.

"brian wants us to be at the studio by 12 to 'ave a photoshoot for the new album and then we have to go to an interview" john checked his watch before jumping up from the sofa.

giggling I followd him into his bedroom.

"your like a lost puppies paulie following me around" john said rufflling my hair.I glared at him before sorting it out.I helped john make the very messy bed,and then picking out his suit.

"thanks Paul" john said kissing my cheek before going into the bathroom to get changed.I felt my cheeks heat up.'he loves you' 'no he doesn't'
'shut it you too'.

I must of been arguing with my self for quite a while because I didn't notice John standing by the door looking at me funny.

"um paul what are you doing?" he asked laughing.

I felt my cheeks heat up again before standing up.


I walked up to the door opening it waiting for john.

"come 'ed eppy ain't going to be 'appy if were late"


"Right now hold it right there" *click* "thats excellent,that's a rap boys" the photographer said.

We all dropped our fake smiles and stood up. "if I have to go through one  more bloody photoshoot I'm going to go insane" ringo said,which caused george to laugh and pull on his arm.


We were walking out of the studio when I saw a beautiful red headed girl.Her hair was shining in the light,she was gorgeous.
'you've got john you can't think about other girls'
'but he hasn't got john'
'shut it'
'no you shut it'

'both of you shut it and let me think'.

John looked at me with a slight look of jealousy but I ignored it and walked up to the girl,besides john didn't love me at all did he?

" 'ello love" I said extending my hand out for her to shake.She gladly took it and blushed.

"hello"She sounded so cute.

from the corner of my eyes I could see john giving me the evils but I just shrugged it off."im paul,paul McCartney" 'wow paul so much confidence' 'shut up'

"I...I know" she giggled lightly before straightning out her dress.

"im Jane,Jane Asher" I looked at her shocked."your that famouse bird ain't you.actress right?" I asked now walking to the lunch hall with her.Before she could answer,I turned round to the lads.

"ill be back in a minute lads,going to get a cuppa" ringo and George nodded and walked down the hall.John glared at me before turning on his heal and walking away.

I turned my attention back to Jane,opening the door for her.

she giggled again before turning her attention to me.

"yes I'm an actress...tea or coffee?"

"cool and rea please love"

she was so beautiful but thoughts of me and john last night kept popping into ny head.I pushed thoughs thoughts back and smiled.

she handed me my cup and walked over to a table.Sitting down opposite her,looked into her eyes.

"um right so I've got about 5 minutes until I've got to go to an interview so tell me about yourself?"

she blushed a bright red before answering.

"well that's not much to tell really.I'm an actress with red hair" We laughed at her comment for a while,sipping out tea in the process.

"u guess I don't really 'ave to tell you about me do I" I said more than asked.She nodded before pulling out a piece of paper with a number on it.At the top of the paper it had the words "call me;)' she handed it to me before blushing...again.

"if you ever want to um talk or meat up again I'm free most nights" she said standing up.I stood up with her and walked round to grab the paper

"thanks luv" I winked at her and kissed her cheek."ta ta" I said waving to her before I left the lunch hall.
'such a nice gal'

I smiled to my self actually agreeing with one side of my brain.'you've done well McCartney,you've done well' I thought to my self whilst walking to the interview room.

John won't care that ive found a bird will he?

a/n:ooo paul you slut! well now both Jane and Cynthia are in the story.I've got so many ideas to come like omfg I'm so excited.
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