chapter 33

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                     johns POV

I was getting ready for my date with Cynthia, well atleast I thought it was a date. Paul seemed pretty upset when I said that I didn't want him back, but he knew this was going to happen. He kept pushing me away until I gave up trying to get him back, until I moved on and now he's begging me to take him back, he should've thought twice about pushing me away then.

I looked at the time and then back in the mirror to see if I looked good. I skipped down the hallway and grabbed my car keys. I walked to the car and started it up, whistling to the song that was on the radio.When I arrived at Cynthias, I couldn't help but show my excitedness. I knocked on the door and waited, not long after I knocked;Cynthia opened the door. She looked beautiful. she was a red dress that was mid thigh, her hair was curled, her makeup not to much and she wore black heels to finish it off.

"what, is it to much?" she asked nervously. I shook my head and took her hand in my own. I brought it up to my lips and kissed it.

"you look beautiful" I whisperd. she blushed and I smiled. "lets go then" I said holding her hand and walking over to the car. I opened the door for her causing he to blush and then got in myself.

"you look very handsome john" she said. I smiled and kissed her cheek.

"thank you"

I started the car up and drove down the streets of London. The sky was clear and the moon shon bright, making cynthias face glow. She was perfect.

when we arrived at the restaurant, I parked the car and quickly got out to open the door for Cynthia."such a gentleman" she said.

"aye that was a bit cocky" I replied making her laugh. I took her hand in mine and walked up to the doors, holding it open for her, I watched as her jaw pretty much hit the floor.

"oh john this is beautiful" she said looking around.I smiled again and linked my arm with hers and walked up to the reception.

"ah Mr Lennon! your table is ready for you and your lovely date. please me" the waitor said. He led us to a table that was out of everyones way, but had the best place of the restaurant."champaign?" he said holding a bottle up. we nodded and he filled our glasses with the sparkling liquid."ill be back to take your orders" he said then left. I lifted my glass up to Cynthias and clinked it before taking a sip.

"this is beautiful John" she said again, her eyes shining in the chandelier light. she looked back at me and smiled. "thank you" she said. I took her hand in mine and gave it a squeeze.

"ye welcome love" I looked at her, she was beyond perfect."tell me about yourself" I said wanting to know everything about this beautiful woman.

"there's not much to tell really." she admitted. "and you don't have to tell me any thing about you" I laughed at her comment.

"your quite the joker" I said making her laugh.

"your not to bad your self".

soon the waiter came back with menus, handing one to each of us. everything sounded lovely but I went with a steak and salad. Cynthia had an Italian salad ans I rose a brow at this."what" she said giggling.

"that's a bit posh isn't it" I said

"i like Italian food"

"so there is stuff about you to tell me"

she giggled and shook her head."nope nothing" we laughed at this for a while and waited for our food.I bent over the table and gave her a kiss on the cheek causing her to blush.

"your so beautiful" I said sitting back down. she blushed again and giggled a little bit.

"you big softie" I grinned at this. When our food we ate in silence, enjoying eachothers company. once we finished we left the restaurant and got into my car. I started it up and drove to the lake, the one where I confessed my feelings to...Jesus Lennon your on a date with a beautiful woman stop thinking about him. I looked at Cynthia again and smiled.she was perfect. we got to the lake and I stepped the car and opened her door."dinner in a posh restaurant and now going to a beautiful lake, I'm liking this". Cynthia said causing me to laugh.

"that's not all love" I said pulling out my guitar,a picnic blanket and basket.I put my hand out for her to take and she gladly took it. we walked up the hill and stopped once we got to the top.I set my guitar and basket down to sort out the blanket.Cynthia sat down on the blanket and I sat next to her.opening the basket, I pulled out more champaign, chocolate coverd strawberries and a rose. I handed the rose to Cynthia and kissed her hand." a beautiful rose for a beautiful lady" she blushed and kissed my cheek.

I pulled my guitar onto my lap and started to play.

There were bells on a hill But I never heard them ringing No I never heard them at all Till there was you

There were birds in the sky But I never saw them winging No I never saw them at all Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew

There was love all around But I never heard it singing No I never heard it at all Till there was you

Then there was music and wonderful roses They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew

There was love all around But I never heard it singing No I never heard it at all Till there was you

Till there was you

once I stopped playing, I looked at Cynthia, she had tears in her eyes which was adorable."oh john that was beautiful" I put my guitar down and cupped her face in my hands. I wiped her tears away with my thumb and looked Into her eyes.

"your beautiful" I whisperd kissing her softly. I pulled away and got the strawberries. "chocolate strawberry?"

"oh john"

a/n: hola guys.omg I haven't updated in ages but her you are. ain't john a sweet heart huh?. any ways I probably wont update for a while as I'm getting my fitnews up :s but that doesn't meen ill stop the book so don't worry.

love it?,like it?,hate it? let me know!

Do you want to know a secret?(mclennon and starrison)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora